Separate names with a comma.
Inserted the key. Checked to make sure the key has power. Again, no power, so no lights, no starting. Nothing.
Checked the voltage on the battery. Also checked the 120Amp fuse. Also good. Not sure what else to check. :(
I have a 2007 Prius w/ 93k miles. Went on vacation for a week and came home. Won't turn on at all, no lights, nothing. Like a dead battery, but it...
So, I changed the fluid myself. Drained it out, and filled it to overflow from that fill port. Put two new aluminum washers on it, then sealed it...
Smooth. Sometimes jerks the car when it goes on and off. I dont know if it needs a tune-up or not. I don't think it's ever had one.
What I mean by brake is that B to the right of Drive on the shift stick. Slows the car down with the transmission. I kind of jerks into it if I'm...
Long story, but I bought a 2007 Prius with 73K miles on it. Now I'm at 93K miles, and I think it may be more jerky than when I got it when I shift...
A truck on dropped a huge piece of ice on the road right in front of me. It separated a few spots on that center grill. I'm wondering - Is it made...
That isn't, however, going to fix the clicking noise. Do you have the same clicking noise from your prius? Or is that not normal? It's pretty loud...
Would it work to just use my personal OBD II units to reset the codes on every flush? Or do I need to have toyota use their techstream to do it?...
Is it a mileage or emissions thing? Would it be a big deal if I just unplugged it? Would that cause the check engine light to come on?
Maybe I'll just bleed them and hope it fixes the issue. What about the clicking noise? Anyone have insight on that?
I know this noise is the Thermos Pump and it operates when I turn the car on and off. Question - do you guys experience this too? Or is it failing...
There is a pretty loud continuous clicking noise lasting about 30 seconds (not necessarily a bad one - just annoying) that comes on every thirty...
Hmmm. Do you think it's plausible that she just struggles when she drives it because the throttle is progressive rather than linear, and the...
She does fine in her sister's 2006 Impala, and a 2004 Chevy Cavalier. The Cavalier, especially has me guessing if it's the acceleration that...
She gets motion sick really easily. I will try the CO option, but I can't shake the feeling that it's coming from the queues in the car (ie....
Hey there, I'm new, so if this is in the wrong place, I sincerely apologize. I have a 2007 Toyota Prius with 82k miles, and I love it. However,...