Separate names with a comma.
11.7 volts is low enough to cause issues and is most likely why the P-Lock message is displaying. That's what my '08 did when my last 12 volt...
Yeah, the only thing that I can think of is perhaps road salt playing a role in this although I'd have to say I'd expect to see more Prii with the...
Finally got some decent enough weather and no back issues to get under the car. I didn't let it cycle through it's warmup until I could get it on...
Ok, checked the air input hose and all good there, same with the air cleaner box, it was tight and the clamp was securely fastened. I raised the...
Yeah, for some reason the recording is louder than it actually is, but I'll take a look this weekend. Oddly enough I haven't had any noticeable...
Hi Lucifer, was that causing a similar sound and behavior in your Prius? I'm really hoping it's something as simple as a DIY repair. Edited for...
Hello all, its been a while since I posted here lately. In the last few months my '08 Prius' engine has gotten progressively louder. I have...
I've went through a tank of gas and pulled all the plugs and coil packs again. No new oil in cylinder #4 or on the new coil pack. So far...
I am the second owner, but I changed the spark plugs at around 100,000 miles. I don't recall the #4 coil having oil discoloration at that time....
DG Bear, no check engine light was set ever. I imagine that there is some sort of two step trip detection involved here. And unfortunately my...
I hadn't even thought about that, thanks wjtracy! Thinking back, when i replaced this particular one I do recall having trouble maneuvering the...
If only it would code so I could move it around and see where the problem stayed or went when moving the coil. Unfortunately the ECUs seem happy...
I'm not fond of the idea of doing that, but I didn't notice any loose oil in the well and nothing soaked up into a towel I pushed into it so maybe...
After searching online for why oil may have gotten into the spark plug well, it seems I may be in for replacing the valve cover gasket and spark...
I would do that but the problem is that its not throwing the check engine light or any codes. I was hoping it would throw a code to match up with...
Well, here I am revisiting this issue since it came back. I finally decided to grin and bear it and removed all four spark plugs to check them to...
Thanks wjtracy, I'm down in Radford, VA. I bought gas at a BP station when I was in a hurry. Now...thinking back, while the car was in the body...
Thanks, I had already edited it. :) Sorry, I'm not suggesting that it had anything at all to do with the HV battery or grid charger. Just...
Sorry, realized my error, just after I had posted! These were measured recently after using Jeff's grid charger on my HV battery after sitting 24...
Sorry, the tl;dr was shorthand for too long; didn't read, just for a quick summary at the end. The 12 volt was replaced in 2012. Holds steady at...