Separate names with a comma.
I'm with jdcollins5, I installed mine right after I got my2013 III, I thought I had them installed correctly. One came off in a parking lot. I...
Tekjunke, that's good to know. Could you enlighten us on how you installed them. A picture or two would also speak volumes. I too would like to...
Thanks GeoGeek, I do have that problem a lot. I have an appointment for my first service. I told them about the fading in and out of the XM. I...
Thank you Glory Thief, that's just what I needed
I am such a dufuss!!!!! I went back and looked at the install of the various shifters and got to thinking, so I looked again at the oem shifter....
I stand corrected. Thanks Vitaliy Then only the OGS doesn't fit. That is for sure unless they have different models and I got the wrong one....
Al, don't order it, they don't fit. I guess it's up to 2012 model year. The 2013 has two sets of wires on the oem shifter. The OGS ( I think...
Well I broke down and went with the OGS shifter, so I could change the color of the lights. It came and all instruction were in Japanese. But I...
I'm the same as CygnusX-1. Channel type. Didn't notice until the other day that when you lower the back windows, there isa gap. The fronts work...
Ecopersona, my 13 (#229) came with the appearance package, ( 17"wheels&tires and some otherjunk) and I don't what else. I had the dealer install...
Spaz's instructions were quite good, did mine (back doors only) in about an hour. Some of that time was taking the one door panel back off...
I've got the Weather Tech. goes in nice and easy. Looks good! I don't think I've been in the storge area since I put the liner in.
Thanks for the info. I'll look for the places as soon as I get off line. Never looked before.
I'm a fairly new owner of a Gen III. Where are the jump terminals under the hood? Also if it is left for long periods of time can a battery...
Makes sense to sell the IS and keep the prius. Also if you really want to get rid of the Prius, is there someone you know that might be...
Just got mine last week, installed in no time. Had installed a set on our SC430 they were a bear to install. Had to drill for all of them. These...
Has a nice sound now when you close the door. Sounds more solid. At least to me. Now to find someone who has done the lights in the side mirrows,...
Spaz, thanks for the pics, finally got around to doing mine. Without your pictures I would have been lost. They really helped, big time. The...
When I was looking to buy, they told me that they could install leather interior and it wasn't that expensive to do. They also said that they do...
Spaz thanks for all the info. The pics would be great if you have the time. I'm sure others would agree.