Separate names with a comma.
Thanks! The more people that write the more likely it is to change!! Power to the people! I sent my notes off today and may follow up later in...
mouztrpd, The Utah Legislative Session starts Monday, and I encourage you to join me in contacting your legislators to ask them to consider...
We got all weather mats at Costco for about $20. They are a relatively similar grey to the interior of our Prius.
An alternative to AAA is the Better World Club <>. They offer discounts for hybrid drivers and even roadside...
Went to take delivery last night on my Seaside Pearl (blue) with grey interior package #6. Declined the window etching fee (it had already been...
Well, it seems that Dealer #1 was unable to find anyone who wanted to buy 'my' Prius before the end of December, so now they are holding it for...
I thought I wanted the bisque, but then I got to see both interiors side by side, and immediately chose the gray. The dark color of the dashboard...
I'm on lists with 2 dealers - each time I completed a 'preference sheet' stating what the deposit was for with my package and color choices etc....
mine - soon to be gone '95 Saturn SL2 his - '94 Toyota truck (the little one) ours - '92 Chevy Astrovan with ~200k miles on it used for road trips...
'06 #6 choice 1 = Classic Silver, choice 2 = Seaside Pearl (blue), I'd happily accept the red, but DH would not be happy. Ordered 10/6/5, "my"...
I decided that it all felt too fishy and think that I will wind up buying from a different dealer entirely. I was clear from the first day that I...
Thanks for the input - any other viewpoints appreciated. I called another dealer in town, and it looks like they might have what I want also, so...
<_< "My" new '06 Prius is sitting on the lot. I have seen it but refused delivery until January because of the tax credit. The dealer just...
Might I suggest ? It's free, and (at least in my area) frequented by folk that might be more interested in a...
I applied to CapitalOne using the Costco portal today and was quoted a rate of 5.3%. There are no blemishes on my credit record, but apparently...
*This story happened to a boyfriend's car -- if it had been mine I would have gone for a steam cleaning soon after the incident. He kept...
Won't be open on Jan 1 (Sunday), but might stay open on 12/31.
Are any dealers opening at midnight Jan 1 for '06 Prius delivery like bookstores have done for Harry Potter releases? If mine will agree to it,...
Bought my 1995 Saturn SL2 when I finished college and drove it through grad school and first job. It will be gone soon when (or before) I get my...
Sit down, leaving your feet outside the car. Bang your feet together to knock of snow and or mud. Rotate body to bring feet inside the car. I...