Separate names with a comma.
Try Goo Gone or Goof Off... It works great on things like that and won't stain the upholstery.
49.9 mpg on last fill up. ECO-mode off. Normal, everyday driving. No coasting to stop lights, no driving 30 in a 45... Just driving it.
I thought it was pretty darn funny. But, I just got here. :)
The freeway where I live somehow manages to be uphill in both directions (Arkansas highway engineers)... For me, I get better mileage with ECO...
I'd bet money it's just a piece of trim they dropped in there to cover up the bolts holding the center console to the floor.
It's worth a shot. I know the dealership here is buried with '12 lift backs. So, you'd probably have plenty to choose from in TX.
You can add the alloys wheels as an option on and it will update the TMV accordingly. Another place you can go is...
There are more '12 models to choose from now than there will be by the end of January. If you're wanting a '13 it's irrelevant whether or not you...
Yes, it came with Navi. The dealership here is a high-volume dealership, and they move a lot of units each month which tends to make it easier to...
Got our C3 for $21,000 OTD. Alloy wheels, carpet mats, 3M window tint. Toyota of Fayetteville.
Or... Drive the Wife's Impreza and leave the C in the garage..
In a word... Yes. Whatever floats your boat. Some people like to play the ultimate mileage game and in that game, the sky is the limit and no...
Honda Insight is in the same price range as the Prius C, but sales numbers are abysmal. In comparison, the C has been selling briskly. Seems...
Unofficially, the space under the seat between the seatbelt latch and the center console is a veritable change magnet. :)
Just an opinion with nothing to back it up: CR basically painted themselves into a corner. The Prius C is the natural fit (no pun intended) to...
The worst it ever was: My Wife's 2009 Jetta was black, my 2009 Civic Si was black, and my Mother's 2010 Insight was black... I washed myself...
Yes. Fresh off the truck. But, it's year-end, it's Toyotathon time, and they're looking to clear out the '12s to make way for the '13s. Plus,...
I've owned two Honda Fits through the years, a 2008 and a 2010. Loved them both. Truly a blast to drive and great non-hybrid MPG. I agree with...
A point I completely understand, which is why my remark was tongue-in-cheek. My Mother is the same age. I wash her car and wax it because I...
Mistake # 1: going through an automatic car wash in the first place. Recycled, dirty water, harsh solvents, hot water stripping all the moisture...