Separate names with a comma.
100K maint - 5 shows where the thermostat is located in the second to last picture on the page. He's holding a rectangular mirror in front of a...
This is really weird because I own a 2004 Prius, owned it since new, never asked to have it smog checked INCLUDING when I got a notice to renew...
There's no need to unplug the gear shift at all so no need to unplug the aux battery. The green light I mention removing only turns on if you...
Thanks for the pictures! I just wanted to mention for the benefit of future readers that I've read in many places you should never run a gap tool...
Hi all, I've got Alex's HSI bar working and updated with many new features. This post will explain how to build the device using the 16x2 LCD...
I've now replaced the coolant and the coolant pump (and the belt and thermostat) and I can tell you that even with all the coolant drained from...
Thanks, Alex. I've got all the parts on order. Another way to save $15-$20 is to buy the Seeedcode CAN shield instead of the Sparkfun one....
Every time I click "Upload a File" and pick a file, a window pops up saying: The following error occurred There was a problem uploading your...
Thanks so much for figuring this out, Nickbike. I've lived with the clicking and sticking gear shift lever for about 10 years and got so used to...
Wow, this is an awesome project, Alex. ccdisce, what do you mean by "+9V Brick"? I assume you mean 9V to power the arduino (from the cig...
Thanks Patrick! Such a fast response. That's really odd if it's that piece of plastic catching, though... I wonder how my dealer managed to...
I've had this same clicking problem with the shifter I think within the first 6 months of buying my 04. I took it to the dealer and they fixed it...
I just finally got the time to do my plugs. Here's some advice for first-time plug changers (mostly based on my online research): Patrick, I...
The official Toyota repair manual says "Using a TOYOTA 4 Way Nozzle Adjustment Tool (part number: 95060–10010), insert the bumpy potions of the...
Thanks Patrick. Based on this post, I've decided to replace the thermostat, but based on this post I'm going to leave the old idler pulley. It...
Ah, cool. I was confused because the plug sockets I was looking at on Amazon never mentioned rubber, but maybe it's just assumed, or not all have...
Hey, that's a sensible way of doing things. But in my experience, the early failure rate on anything new I buy these days, even when I buy the...
Hi Patrick, Thanks so much for your guides and advice. My pump is leaking liquid at 122k and needs replacement, but I've been wondering why you...
Thanks, but I'm still having the same problem. I've tried two different browsers and two different google accounts as well as not being logged in...