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Upstate here...near Potsdam, NY
My dealer told me that my 5000K check will include an oil change. The motor is pretty much broken in now and the first oil change will remove any...
I had it put on to help prevent scratches mostly from my dog putting her paws up there before she jumps in. I think it looks nice. G.
A couple of weeks ago, it snowed about 8 inches overnight. My PIP was in my garage, and I didn't do any shoveling or plowing of the driveway. I...
Max coverage (so I"m told) in all areas, 500 deductible...$665 for entire year. Safeco (sub. of Liberty Mutual._ ) :-)
Same here....just too dang cold around here!! :-)
I guess the closest biggest town you might recognize near the border that I'm near is Ogdensburg.
From what I've read, our new Pruises SHOULD have the newer manifold, etc. by now. HAsn't happen again, so far...but it's not been that cold again...
I'm in upstate NY close to the Canadian border. Everything was covered in 2 feet of snow, and it was -17 degrees below zero outside. It wasn't...
Yes, they gave me a case number, but I don't have it here at home w/ me. I called from work. Hopefully I'll still find it on my desk among the...
This happened to me just a few days ago. It was -17 below zero temp. in the morning when I left for work. My car was in the garage all night, but...
You are averaging about what I am averaging for Mpg's where I also live in upstate NY--upstate meaning near the Canadian border. The temps here...
Yes, my mileage WAS better on the factory tires, but I still wasn't averaging 100 mpgs. My commute is not large hills, but there are a goodly...
I think the biggest "causer" of dropped mileage are the studs, compared to just the snow tires. Just my 2 cents. But my PIP is like a little tank...
I put Winterforce tires PLUS studs on my PIP. My mileage dropped about 8 miles per gallon...may seem like a lot, but I don't care. I like having...
I live in upstate NY, and my daily commute one is is about like yours...24 miles. How do you drive your PIP to achieve such good mileage...100...
JUst you know if that's ACTUAL temperatures..or w/ the windchill. I know here in upstate NY, there are some nights when it DOES get...
I just had to post how much I love driving, owning my PIP!! I am such a "Techie" and this car just blows me away!! I love driving it--looking at...
Yes, in this cold weather, I've been using my seat heater to start and then the heat and defroster a bit too when necessary, so I guess the ECO is...
My studded tires I just gave to one of my students at work (he needed winter tires and he drive a Toyota) still had LOTS of stud/tire tred use...