Separate names with a comma.
I agree with Retired 4999. Wait a year or two. But just in case, consider my November, 2012 purchase: (The difference is I drive at least 40k...
Perhaps. It's the warmer weather, too. See photo. I've finally crested the 400 mile per tank / 50 MPG per tank threshold a few times. Late...
I bought my PiP in November and now that warmer weather is here, 4 out of my last five fillups have exceeded 400 miles and exceeded 50 MPG. I...
If you arrive home (to your charger) after having run the car partially on gas, but with juice left in the battery, you have used gas whereas you...
Interesting to watch. It looked like your maximum speed was 41, and only briefly. So you left it switched on EV mode the whole ride, which is...
It worked for my CPA using this: 2012 TOYOTA PLUG IN PRIU Yes, he left off the "S" for whatever reason!
So my butt is toasty and my feet freeze. Uggs: the new driving shoes! Seriously, I had been aware that running the blower would make ICE more...
Now THAT could be an important tip! I'm guessing I haven't touched or even looked at the temp adjustment even a few times since November. Just...
Yes, thanks. I just went out to look at it. You mean the fan control switch. If it's really cold I might notch it up two or three bars, at most....
Hah. Very funny. In Maine we don't use AC.
Simply amazing. Especially in the cold. When I leave the driveway my EV reads somewhere between 9.1 and 10.2. Three miles later (at 25 mph) I'm...
Here is another good resource for prospective PiP buyers... Insurance: how much are you paying for your PIP? | PriusChat well as those...
These insurers are pretty good at underwriting/assessing risk. State Farm is conservative and incredibly successful at playing the ponies,...
What's my hurry? They can take until August if they want!
My CPA just called me Friday, March 1 to tell me that the IRS cannot accept e-file of the Form 8936, but he has been told that mid-march is doable.
If the plug in and plug in hybrid cars do as intended, which is save the owner a lot of money, and if the purpose of government incentives is to...
An editorial in the state's largest daily paper says plug-in tax break a bad idea: M.D. Harmon: With high cost and limited range, electric cars...
State Farm knows how to rate risk. I think it's possibly a combination of claims experience and claims cost. Collision repairs to PiP are likely...