Separate names with a comma.
I've come to the conclusion that one does not buy a used Prius, one buys a used battery with a car attached. Unless the '09 has had a battery...
Yes, that's true. But hybrid batteries seem to fail somewhere around the 13-16 year old mark, regardless of mileage. That $2500-3000 hit to get...
Interesting how it ignores the time factor. If it takes a person 20 years to drive their car 200k, a hybrid is a very poor choice.
I would ask $7000. The new battery alone makes it a decent deal at $6500.
You're not being fair. A new Toyota battery is $1600 PLUS INSTALLATION. The Green Bean is $1549 INCLUDING INSTALLATION. The actual price...
If you've been waiting for the oil light to come on before adding oil, you've been doing the engine a disservice.
Of what? I asked a question and got an answer. You can see all that in the thread.
I would say it depends on your ethics. We here at PC all know what a bad idea it is to replace one or two battery modules to get the lights to go...
I can make out a frequency number, which tells me it's an RF device. Which pretty much limits it to smart key or key fob-related.
It's a shame that no dealer within 200 miles of me uses the Toyota Parts Center. But there are $1600 batteries if I want to drive over 200 miles.
Got an email from a Genuine Parts supplier, offering "up to 32% off" Genuine Toyota parts. Just for giggles, I thought I'd see if that 32%...
More than reasonable! I would expect 17-20 MPG in this use case.
I found an '08 Touring in the junkyard today. It's a rare find in Silver Pine Mica. Is the spoiler a straight swap onto a Base model?
Depends what you're paying, doesn't it? If it's four grand, you can buy a $3000 battery and have a nice $7k car.
Although a festoon bulb will fit either way, and an incandescent bulb will work either way, a Festoon LED will only work in one direction. Try...
Thanks for the advice. That forum TMR pointed out told me everything I needed to know to make the choice to stick with disposable filters and now...
My friend Izzy says the reason behind everything is "money". So if you perceive an increase in fearfulness, the question is "who is profiting from...
Folks around here seem to have all manner of useful knowledge, so let's give this one a shot... Once again, I've moved into a residence with an...
"Pay to play" has existed in cars for 20 years. It's called satellite radio.
Yeah, 12-year old Japanese speakers fail at an alarming rate.