Separate names with a comma.
Oops spell check strikes again. The re-balancing thread under 2ng gen forums
Read up on dc voltage as well as the real balancing thread. Use rubber type gloves if you do not know what your doing. Respect the voltage. 200+ volts...
Well finished with the inverter pump in the rain posted two you tube videos of the contamination first with water then with the sllc....
Well got some good news bad news situation good news it's finally going the loop. Bad news 4 rounds of distilled water. And there is still this...
Yeah that is a no Brainer 24 vs hex 10 not using hex keys .did use water distilled water and no movement the clog seems to be way up in the loop....
Yeah if I was doing the engine. But not the point this has officially turned into a twilight zone hunt. I think it's time to start a new thread in...
Yeah no. The posts are all over the place and in the first 20 I scrolled through no mention of the amount of coolant needed. Lots of em are 3rd...
Not dead I can feel the vibrations in the hose, but yeah it might be bad. This is the second replacement BTW the fuse is good . can anyone tell...
5 bucks more $1713 to go turns out $5 is the minimum on go fund me. Well if I just got $5 donations I would need 343 people to be nice and well...
Also update the top layer on the reservoir is a light pink oily sludge I'd say that maybe this loop is long overdue for a drain and replace. maybe...
Actually the waaaa might be the fuel pump or something else turns out the pump is quiet whine like you said and I touched the hose and it vibrates...
I hear the pump in good old fashioned wawa-waaa wawa-waaaa best way I can explain that sound to you. But neverthe less I dun see no bubbling or...
Going 25 to 35 m/h should not be too fast at any rate.
Yeah got my first donation, :- ) $40 down 1718 to go. terramir
Yeah I need more capacity energy wise, and we'll need to figure out wth is wrong with that brake on drags when it gets smoking hot. Which doesn't...
Well bad comes to worse I can always swap those pieces out from the one in my car, I have all the pieces of a fairly complete core from the junk...
Thousand oaks said they will honor the online price, understand that if you dun have a core when you buy it you'll need 1350 core charge...
BTW after finding out that price I decided to go for it and start a go fund me page the link is in another sub forum cause it definitely does not...
My Prius gets lower 30's 29's in mpg, yes I do charge occasionally when I can since I live in an apartment, so I need buddy's to help out there....
I know that my sensors should be pretty lazy and I'm hoping that it's not my catalytic convertor. I don't have $250+ dollars to spare on toyota...