Separate names with a comma.
Yes, and it keeps thinking the car is still ahead for a while when it pulls off to another lane or exits. You still have to drive. ;)
I suspect they are talking about the "cabin air filter", which is behind the glove box. I haven't seen any other air filter on Pearl S.
Wow, talk about your hidden noise maker!
It's a bit funny, but here is what happened to "drive-in theaters". They had the hanging speaker. Kept having people driving away with them...
Well, wherever it runs, I wouldn't worry about it unless it turns "milky". A tiny bit of oil (film on top) won't harm anything.
No, not even transaxle fluid. The inverter is separate from all mechanical parts, only joined by wires.
Yes, you push the mirror glass all the way to one side so you can get a large flat blade screwdriver in behind it. Use the screwdriver to "pop"...
I can't think of a way oil from the engine could get into the inverter coolant circuit. It could be a tiny bit from assembly lube used when the...
Well, I would check very carefully the load rating of the smaller tires. They will probably wear faster and be closer to the "limit" in load...
Remember, in the Prius the A/C compressor is variable speed (unlike most old technology cars that drive it with the engine). So on "high" it may...
Read the owners manual. If you didn't get an owners manual it's a free download at the Toyota Tech info site. DON'T use neutral! Use "P" or "D"...
The dirt is only accumulating on the edges. You can clean that off and they will be like new. They aren't easy to get off, and do serve a...
I'm still waiting for the -results- as promised by the title of this thread. i.e. engine runs smoother, better mileage, bolts left on the road...
I like the 3M film, but it won't stop denting, just paint damage. They have a much thicker type they can put on the door edges. It's expensive...
Ask if there are TRD parts. I'm betting there are. They will honor the warranty if they install those. Oh, and check the tire pressures. Put...
As you have asked the question if there is any way to step down the traction battery I assume you don't have the knowledge required to do that...
"Too hot" depends on where you live. Here in Edmonton they are -never- "too hot". ;)
One unmentioned reason to use the foot brake at a light is it de-activates "automatic transmission creep simulation" thus not wasting the tiny...
Wow. Sensitive point! I paid $0.84 per litre a few days ago. There are very close to 4 litres in a US gallon. So about $3.20 times conversion...
One of the 12V battery cables is loose or they didn't clean the oxide off it.