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2016 NOAA claim that year was warmest was revealed by Gavin Schmidt to be 30% accuracy. 30% accuracy means it's a lie . Not exactly robust science.
That's percentage of 100% is what's normal for the of year.Many res are above normal and are being drained In anticipation of the spring...
Just so you know Berkeley Earth failed peer review for over a year. Finally they had to create their own new fake journal with the sole intent of...
Im watching a PBS program about evil nuclear waste. Apparently PBS has no idea that Thorium Reactors can run on nuclear waste and dispose it. The...
Replying to coast cruiser .Agreed CO2 has nothing to do with nonexistent California drought. How is the ice chunk caused by cO2? Lets here some...
Snow Pack Conditions - Snow Water Content Chart Major Reservoir Current Conditions Graphs Snowpack is above average.Reservoirs will be full after...
Delusional about California drought caused by imaginary CO2 global warming requiring a Cap and trade tax to solve nothing.Reservoirs are mostly...
Coffee is the food in the American diet which provides the most antioxidants. Drink it .
Im sure the NYT and PBS will find a way to blame it on CO2 Global Warming. I despise Trump but soon this Global Warming BS propaganda will be in...
Give me a ten million dollar federal grant and Ill give you a hella bigger Hockey Stick than that. These Climate Scientists are going to be Uber...
I think all surface thermometer readings are inferior to satellites.
Your climate change belief is purely a religion.
More fake climate science.First of all warming oceans off gas CO2 not absorb more .How does less cO2 cause acidification? 'Ocean...
Bob your graph illustrates how fraudsters faked the thermometer temp record to match the failed climate models. Global Warming Is The Biggest...
And you are a strawman.Nuff said
Climate science predicted More hurricanes more tornadoes .There have been much less tornadoes and hurricanes. So Climate science is wrong. But...
Global Satellites: 2016 not Statistically Warmer than 1998 « Roy Spencer, PhD
Bob you were going to find out who produced the models that have actually been correct.Why have you never reported who made them?
California is high due to Climate change AB32 legislation.And poised to skyrocket. I cant imagine why New York and Boston are so high.