Separate names with a comma.
Here is the list, no Prius on here at all as yet. NHTSA Urges Quick Fix of Defective Airbags - KickingTires
Thanks, Tyler. I have started backtracking, the info will appear eventually.
I ordered seat covers at TGB2, got the red and black. I thought I was told 6 to 8 weeks; not the 10 to 14 someone posted in this thread. I...
I do not have your year, mine is a 2008. I am in New England, as you are. I JUST bought the Husky mats, at TGB2. LOVE them! I only bought...
Hmm well, I've kept each of my prior cars at least 8 years, and they had 80,000 or less on them. My Prius is now 5+ years old, with 43,000 miles....
Sorry, I had the local dealer replace the 12v when it went on my Gen II last year. Darn costly, but nothing much I could do.
I saw a Toyota ad in Time magazine this morning and, I was quite disappointed in it. The Huang Family is featured. The quote across the top in...
I ordered from Clazzio on Saturday at the Convention. I have 4 bichons who are in and out of the back seat constantly (walks at beach, park,...
I was only able to attend for a few hours on Saturday afternoon, but it was a great time! I enjoyed meeting lots of folks, putting faces to...
I think it is too wordy. What do you think? I tried to include mods, and various versions of the Prius. Also: will the technical sessions on...
I keep wanting to prepare a flyer, and leave it on every Prius in the parking lot of which ever store I am at, ha ha haaa. I emailed ALL my...
Perfect! Thank you so much! I wonder if you should have the link to the dealership pdf file on the website, as well? Might be a good addition.
I am reading about the event here: To Go Before | An event celebrating the first family of hybrids I have looked at the 'HOME' page, the...
Shared the link to the TGB4 on my FB page. Just thought I'd let you know, the link does attach, but you have no thumbnail show up! This year's...
If you get the newsletter, you have the info. If not, here is the link: To Go Before | An event celebrating the first family of hybrids...
Glad you enjoyed this, Fatdawg! LOL
Oh for goodness sakes. I've figured it out - it was my CELLPHONE! I never use the thing, it stays in my handbag, it is just for calling AAA if I...
I am hearing a single BEEP, about every 4 minutes, when I am driving. What the heck is it? I can't figure it out, looked in the Manual. I...
Just thought I'd update -- Monday, the adjustor from MY ins. co called. As I have collision coverage, my ins co will deal with everything - the...