Separate names with a comma.
Earthquake Prediction California, San Francisco, Los Angeles, recent, earthquake, San Diego, Eureka, Sacramento and Alaska. Let's get ready!!...
better with butter! (the frog legs!)
ummmmm?! This looks real....not much of a frog person myself.
Make sure your solar roof is closed all the way. If it is cracked even a bit the chime sounds entering and exiting.
Yes, not good at can be inexact with this recipe, it is forgiving.
This is so me! I have a hard time when I make up my own recipes though if I don't write some of it down as then it is difficult to recreate. I do...
Time does fly...
Been off my feed and poorly motivated since my sweet puppy (15y/o) died 12/23 but life goes on... The next poster is going back to work today! I...
Many faces....
There is tons of room in this vehicle! If you are looking to go camping rent a big SUV but for most everyday stuff the Prius has so much space...
I pretty much had no problems with this decision, it is my second Prius. Keep driving what you have till it is dead, dead. No matter what you get...
[IMG] My beloved Sammie died 12/23. She was almost 15. I picked her up at the pound when she was 1 1/2 years old. She had been brought in as a...
Buon Natale!
I am so with you on that mom is like "I need some hearing aid batteries", not today mom! The next poster is happy that her daughter...
I went through some unexpectedly deep water with my Prius last year and was sure something would shut off or not work but was pleasantly...
For my 50th I went to Italy (literally turned 50 in the air over the Atlantic). I got to stay with my daughter and SIL who were living and working...
TMI is in the ear of the beholder. The next poster wishes her house was clean and peaceful.......
Happy New Year!