Separate names with a comma.
We have not noticed ANY degradation of the sound quality with the dash mat.
No badger, just our Garmin Nuvi and my Nintendo GameBoy Advance SP.
...Why do you suppose that is??
Never mind...
Thanks Holbrook22. Now you've got me wondering just how HIGH they can go... Stratospheric, it sounds like!
Yeah, think that's where we got ours as well. radio
Well, we ordered, and like, our 'Dash Designs' dashcover. A lot of real estate there and the shade of blue goes very nicely with our Blizz! Less...
Well, as I alluded to in post #16 there are actually two parts to this sensitivity setting. And to date no one including, I'm sorry to say, my...
Never noticed it on my trim level II. I leave the dash lights on full-blast, day and night.
Well, that's one reason we ordered, and like, our dashcover. A lot of real estate there and the shade of blue goes very nicely with our Blizz!...
I know most on this forum won't have much to do with this outfit, but I couldn't help but check this out:...
Yes, it should work better. A better design would have been to make the center hole on the wrench square so a socket wrench extension would fit...
Yes, I followed your instructions and I'll read the thread entitled " New owner? Want MPG help? Read this first." However, it must be one of the...
Is this: Why_Don't_I_Get_The_EPA_Mileage.pdf the document you are refering to?
They covered the windshield repair 100%, I'm a happy camper so far...
Well, I note that my wrench has "TOY 640" engraved in it. I'm assuming that may designate 64mm. radio
How 'bout a nice pair of Curb Feelers like these:
Not if you consider the SF bay area as part of 'Northern California'. I retired from Chevron in Richmond as an instrument tech and our neighbors...
Tumbleweed said: "The alternative would be just to unhook the 12V battery and lose all the radio settings etc. I wouldn't mind that but I'm not...
I like just sitting there, silently, at a stoplight... no idling. I like that we're advancing the state of the art without sacrificing comfort,...