Separate names with a comma.
Or am I supposed to be getting 6.5's for both the front & rear doors?
What limitations does have the JBL system impose? I am looking to get a 4-channel amp and replacing the 4 main speakers. Are there some major...
I got my Prius IV for $400 under MSRP during the final weekend of CARS. There just aren't any around. I think the only place where I saw that...
Yes, or the dome light assembly...not sure of the exact phrase. The manual calls them the personal/interior lights.
My dealer ordered it today & they are replacing it under warranty.
I got it apart easily with your help and would ya know, the simpliest thing with putting the plastic lens back on the passenger side, one of the...
I don't see any screws such as the GII's have so I am just not sure of where I should be trying to attack it from.
Does anyone have the process for how to do this? I was changing out the bulbs and one of them dislodged up into the assembly and I can't figure...
I tried digging through that thread but it was so long I probably missed your info. Do you have the info on where to buy the stalk, and of course...
I also would like to know about the install of a sub under the seat. Does anyone have the information on where to hook everything up to for a...
Now that I have 5 posts, here's an actual link: The Original Interior Xenon Bulbs - Xenon IN YOUR CAR
The ones in the front doors seem tricky to change out so I am skipping those. I plan on changing out the rear dome and the two in the front, aka...
I got mine done earlier in the week. Was $199 including a sun strip at the top of the windshield...this from a very reputable shop and in an area...
According to Tanabe USA (just got off the phone with them), they don't even make the Under Brace yet so I doubt they even have the Tower Braces. I...
I can get them easily clicked off but just no luck in pulling the cover off. I'm working on it & feel like an idiot! ;)
Any more tips on how to pull the power fuse box cover, the smaller one? I am just not getting it off!