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Business Week What is it with Wall St these days? Now they're trying to get their greedy paws on pension funds.
:D I didn't know that Bush smoked. It would explain a few things though.
What a load of republican partisan nonsense. In the first place, it's not simple. In the second place, reducing risk to the investor by dumping...
You can bet that if this catches on that certain things will happen: A few will get very rich, the average citizen with a bank account will be...
Strangely enough, the Tundra doesn't seem to be on the list.
Bikram is hot, that's for sure. If you like doing strenuous exercise in an enclosed room at 105 degrees, that is. I've always had a problem with...
I was headed towards hip replacement about seven years ago but was lucky enough to find yoga first and all of my problems were fixed with that. I...
Was the shoulder injured that you had to have surgery on it? Both need surgery?
don't forget the dreaded frozen shoulder syndrome.
If you're a regular viewer of Bill Maher's show, as I am, you know that he rips Fox on a regular basis. He rips CNN too, though. One time last...
Attacking Fox or, more specifically, its viewers, is passive-aggressive behavior. The passive-aggressive approach rarely produces the intended...
A girl I dated a few years ago said that if they asked for her phone number, she wouldn't give it to them if they had already given her a ticket....
yeah, really, Macbook starts at $1099 and a good Lenovo can be had for around $900. Sure, you can get the el cheapo box that's more your speed...
For months, we were in a credit crisis. Now, it seems, that we're in a credit crunch. Oh. What's the difference? Apparently, a credit crunch...
I can only speak for my own experience with my own vehicle but during the winter, the econ mode allowed the HiHy to go in to EV mode more readily...
They're fairly easy to get, there's usually one on the lot. They do have a tendency for stocking the Limiteds though, as opposed to the, well,...
The only reason that Vista sells at all is because it's all that is sold on new machines. True, you can still get XP but it's getting more...
The guys over at who actually bought those 1-year supplies of food are going to be right up there with the guys who did...
Reducing consumption WILL help a lot more than finding more to guzzle. Oil from shale is a negative energy, that is, it takes more energy to...