Separate names with a comma.
Sorry, thought this post was going to be about Chevy bringing back the Nova for thethird time! (Although I think the name was used overseas far...
Main Entry: 1pro·fes·sion·al Function: adjective Pronunciation: pr&-'fesh-n&l, -'fe-sh&-n & l</I> 1 a : of, relating to, or characteristic of a...
How about one from Radio Shack, and mount it right on top of the "Little" battery if it will fit. (That's where mine is in my Honda, works fine...
For the Cars: $3.599 a gallon. For the Truck: $4.739 a gallon. :mad:
Just one more reason why I would never move to Canaduh! :mad:
Boo, say it anit so! A friggin Devils fan? Yuck! :eek: :crazy: :crazy: :doh: :doh:
Re: Silent... But Deadly? In the case of a bike hitting you, yes it would matter. Bikes are to follow the rules of the roads, guess the...
Sharing the Road Pedestrians Who Are Blind Pedestrians using guide dogs or white canes with or without a red tip must be given the right of way...
"See the bubble headed bleach blond come on at five, she can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye...."
No one has yet to mention the cost factor to make our Prius noisy! How do they plan on doing this? Who's going to pay for the retro fit of the...
Problem Child, would you kindly reconsider posting pictures of your completed seat swap? IMO the air bag is a non issue.
That be nice if it were the case. No, the liberal courts will say these children are suffering some kind of mental defect. They'll wind up doing...
No, I can't claim that great move! I am however the guy who drives down the Major Degan while waving at Scankee Stadium with only one finger! I...
Bump sticker idea: (copied and modified) Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my PRIUS! :D :eek: :o
Now that's an idea! Could step it up with each stage of the after burner lighting off! By the way Welcome home and Thank You!
I was thinking along the lines of an old prop plane, that would confuse "the gotta make noise" crowd! :eek:
Just rip the right arm off and beat him with that!
Most blind people I've encountered are driving! They cut over way to close in front of me or are trying to take the paint off my rear bumper!...