Separate names with a comma.
FYI adding a K&N air filter made no change in mpg. Now tuning the intake length to work at say 75mph might work.
Anyone priced 2006s in Northern CA, Bay Area, lately? I'll be buying in a few weeks after I sell my 2004 #6. I'm looking for an HK #6 package.
Leave ozone alone for 20 minutes and you have half the ozone you started with. This is how I convert trapped ozone in my parked car (even without...
Just like Finally_got_one said, No the Prius won't clean the air, but will emit RELATIVELY clean air. The COx and NOx emissions from other...
Tideland, I thought I read somewhere that the Prius only uses 20% of the available charge so as to maximize the battery life by avoiding "deep"...
Aye yay yayyyy.. The steering has a torque sensor and an electric assist to the mechanical linkage. Running pressures at 42/40 will result in very...
In MHO the big breakthrough in batteries will be that Li-ION or Li-POLY will not be as memory sensitive(or shorter life) as the current system....
Escalade, God Bless you for putting your butt on the line to protect mine. If you find the intake valve timing specs let me know, I want to try a...
FYI, I have 78k miles on my 04 and the stupid seats are still as hard as granite.
Get front and rear alignmnets. Get the front as close to maximum toe IN as possible. It won't hurt your mileage. If the rear is out spec have...
PRIUSGT, Yeah I'm thinking tuned intake mod. I've got some formulas, I've got a source for silicone tubing, I'm thinking just put a K&N cone...
Just an FYI when browsing the Knowledge BASE. The default TIME is only PRIOR 30 days, change this to ALL and you'll see all the posts. You'll...
How about the move the front air "dams" to the front bumper mod? Remove, drill one hole, bolt directly below fog lights. Maybe it helps air flow,...
See my article in the Knowledge base on Highway Stability for my 2 cents. This also has a review of my Bridgestone RE950 tires. My 04 now has...
I have 77k miles on my 04 and the AM radio reception is about half of the range versus new. It is definitely caused by static from the MG. At...
FYI on Michelin MXV4+ tires, I asked Michelin if they are LRR tires: <<Is the MXV4+ rated as a low rolling resistance (LRR) tire? I am looking to...
Watch out for animals in higher noise areas. I've snuck up on dogs before when there on the side of the road.
Don't send me accolades, just cash.... LOL oh man this is a good one. It'll top the all high viewed list.
I have an 04 and have started to get a rattle around my glove box on even mildly uneven surfaces. It sounds like something banging against the...
Yes the seats suck at thigh support. I'm 6'3" and added an extra cushion to fill in the bottom of the seat (too narrow on the flat part) and added...