Mendel Leisk
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Mar 12, 2025 at 12:53 PM
Oct 17, 2010
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Jul 9, 1951 (Age: 73)
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Draftsman/Checker. Retired...

Mendel Leisk

Senior Member, Male, 73, from Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Here Dec 17, 2022

Mendel Leisk was last seen:
Mar 12, 2025 at 12:53 PM
    1. james909
      Hi Mendel. Sorry to bother you. Would you be able to look at my post on leaking brake fluid and offer any advice?
    2. Kthi
      Hi Mendel, On my 2011 Prius I was putting the caliper for front right brakes back on. Lucky me, I stripped the upper steering knuckle bolt of the caliper bracket. I had my wrench set at 101 ft. lbs.; but that doesn't matter now. What are your thoughts? My guess is it is a steering knuckle replacement. Never done that? Thanks, Ken
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        How did you strip it? The bolt threads are damaged, it's head rounded, or? Might be the damage is just to the bolt, hopefully.

        101 ft/lb's is correct torque. Did you lube the threads maybe?
        Mar 1, 2025
    3. ColoradoCrow
      Mendel, I've been trying to reach out and get a hold of Jack with Nexcell battery project lithium. I've had some serious issues with a V2.5 pack I installed. I pulled it out and put my old stock Toyota NiMH blades back in. I have some crazy photos....
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Can't help, haven't had any dealings with him.
        Feb 21, 2025
      2. ColoradoCrow
        OK. Thank you.
        Feb 21, 2025
    4. Melthias
      Mendel, I recall that you installed TWO Oil Catch Cans on your prius. I have a 750ml one that I empty every oil change, but as there is still an oil buildup in the intake manifold. I am wondering if you end up getting much out of the second can when you drain it? And you have them mounted to the cross member between the radiators and the engine, right?
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        I found the second one scavenged more, albeit a lot more water than oil.

        Mine are mounted on the side of a bracket atop the lower/front cross beam, the one that serves as the front jack point.
        Feb 17, 2025
      2. Melthias
        Ok, thank you for the info. I will probably keep it as is for now, and will consider adding another one when I have a bit more time on my hands. Probably the second one will be smaller and located on the top of the engine since I am not sure how to mount one of the large cheap ones that I have in there now.
        Feb 24, 2025
        Mendel Leisk likes this.
    5. DieselHammer
      Hi Mendel,
      Do you know the location of the ECU module that controls the O2 upstream bank 1 sensor on 2012 Prius V?
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Sorry, no idea.
        Feb 17, 2025
    6. mjgill1
      I also have a 2010. She has 235,000 on her. I am hoping for another 100K. I can't help but wonder what a newer Prius might be like in the way of features, handling, reliability and reduction in road noise. If you were to consider a new Prius, what would you choose when viewed through the lens of quality of build, lack of factory issues, etc.? I was thinking somewhere around the 2019?
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        The base 2019 Prius still has a spare, that’s the only one I’d consider. 4th Gen had coolant leaks in the exhaust heat exchanger, which if neglected to the point of coolant starvation can cause engine failure. That “may” have been fixed by 2019, not sure.
        Dec 29, 2024
    7. PopCorkOff
      Thank YOU for comments ! The whoop-whistle was caused by air in the high pressure line. It's GONE, but I am still not happy with my brakes. The fluid level rises 1/2 inch over night and the brake pedal seems soft. I can press it all the way down to where it "hits metal". Car drives fine and Toyota dealer says it is OK. Have U heard all this before [and solved it?]?
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        "The fluid level rises 1/2 inch over night"

        ^ That's normal. If you open the front passenger door, reach across and pop the hood, and then go around to driver's side and open that door, the brake pump will (typically) activate, and if you're quick you can see the level dropping down. About 1/2".

        The spongy brake could be due to air in the system. That said, the gen 3 brakes booster is failure prone.
        Dec 28, 2024
        PopCorkOff likes this.
      2. PopCorkOff
        Thanks for your comment, Mendel! I figured that out myself during the night as often happens. I'll test drive another Toyota asap and compare the brake pedal stiffness with mine.
        Dec 29, 2024
        Mendel Leisk likes this.
    8. priuslyfe
      Thanks for all your assistance in wheel-bearing replacement advice. I couldn't "crimp/indent" the axle-nut. mark was directly downward and I couldn't get enough force to create an indentation. I was going to drive it to move it. Is the viable or does it always point downwards now? How to crimp it as well? I used a small hammer and screwdriver to no avail. Thank You.
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Try a centre punch and heavier hammer?
        Oct 27, 2024
      2. priuslyfe
        I am going to try again. I think I was just too apprehensive about hitting the axle for fear of breaking something.
        Oct 27, 2024
    9. Eric Allen
      Eric Allen
      I have a 2010 prius w 130,000m,and a booster pump running every 10 sec. I plan to change the brake booster/actuator.
      1. Would you advise me to steer clear of BAM Auto.
      2. Can I use techstream and complete bleeding procedures without a scanner?
      3. If I go forward w the Techstream plan what dongle and cord would you recommend I buy?
      4. At some point I would like to buy a scanner. Do you have a recommendation
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Oct 1, 2024
    10. PopCorkOff
      Mr. Mendel I installed a new master cylinder because changing the booster pump and accumulator did not prevent the pump from running every 14 seconds. Now the new master cylinder emits a chirp [sort of a whoop sound] most of the time when I touch the brake pedal. Have you run into this problem before ? I think the Toyota dealer should exchange it for me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PopCorkOff
        Yes, I did all the work myself; brakes and head gasket. I can feel the vibration in the red brake line. I will try damping it. THANK you for your help. Our retirement village has been built and maintained mainly by Canadian SnowBirds !
        Oct 1, 2024
      3. PopCorkOff
        Replacement booster pump failed so I put the good original back in. In this process, air escaped from the pressure line and the "chirp-whoop-whistle" sound is GONE ! Hallelujah !
        Dec 28, 2024
      4. PopCorkOff
        Now the fluid level rises 9/16th inch over night. That indicates there is air in the m/cyl. & Toyota Dealership bleed failure. Do U agree ? What should I do ? Car drives FINE 2700 miles.
        Dec 28, 2024
    11. aswaat
      Mendel you have helped me in the past with my Prius. I need your help again.
      I have 2013 Prius Plug-In with 20k miles on it. after thw replacing thermostat it started gi=ving warning :check hybrid system stop vehicle safe pace" It seems like something happened during the repair caused it. i t was working
      1. Tronald likes this.
      2. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        20k miles?? That's the thermostat right next to the water pump (engine coolant pump)? Did you do a coolant change as well? Not sure: check all connections, and that doesn't work turn anything up get the codes read?
        Sep 23, 2024
        Tronald likes this.
    12. Pete44
      Mendel, I've been on here for years and have benefited tremendously from your sage input and generous sharing. Thank you so much for all of your outstanding contributions over these years. Because of you (and others....but I have learned to certainly trust you) I've become quite a decent DYI'er on my 2013 Lexus CT200h.
      1. Mendel Leisk likes this.
    13. mhdriver
      Wondering if it would help to take the ring off from around the coolant cap, so it doesn't seal? I've read where they say it takes the pressure off the coolant system and gives you more time to avoid damage. You think that's worthwhile?
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Not sure. I’d post in your thread
        Aug 14, 2024
      2. savinggas
        removing the O-ring off coolant cap greatly reduces the ability of the system to cool the engine because the increased pressure with the seal raises the boiling point of the fluid which is a very good thing. Some remove the ring or just dont tighten the cap in early stages of head gasket failure to prevent the cylinder from filling with fluid after a drive.
        Sep 30, 2024
    14. alanf52
      Hey! I know it's been asked before but there are a million opinions. My 12v battery just died in my 2008 Prius. Do you have any recommendations for a battery or at a minimum can direct me to a specific battery that would work?
      Does Walmarts brand Everstart work and are they reliable?

      Thank you so much!
      1. sv88show likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. alanf52
        The battery was too big.
        Jul 13, 2024
      4. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        I’ve responded to your private message.
        Jul 13, 2024
        alanf52 likes this.
      5. PopCorkOff
        I used a $30.00 lawn mower battery in my '05 Prius for at least 3 years. I would have done the same in this 2013 Prius but a friend gave me his used HONDA CRV battery, and when that failed my son shamed me into buying a similar replacement = size 51R or R 51.
        Sep 29, 2024
    15. Dduelin2
      I appreciate reading your posts in expectation of inspection and cleaning of the EGR and intact tract. Just to make sure, you are of the opinion that one can remove the two horizontal studs and not replace them after the job is done? Or just the rear one that is so difficult to get at? Thanks.
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        I would only remove the lower cooler stud permanently, since access is so difficult. You also do need to remove both the nut and stud at the EGR valve, temporarily, ditto for the bolt through top bracket of cooler, and the two nuts at rear, connecting to exhaust manifold. Since those two side studs are removed you don’t need to remove the studs at exhaust manifold.
        Jun 10, 2024
        Simply Driven and Dduelin2 like this.
    16. pjw3
    17. Cheapjeep2
      Is there a for sale forum here on the Prius Chat, I am not seeing one. Thank you Mendel. Troy
      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Yeah PriusChat Marketplace, near bottom of sites home page.
        Apr 24, 2024
    18. Rideshare Sean
      Rideshare Sean
      Mendel you can probably identify this issue! I have a 2011 Prius and on January 20th of this year, this loud hum noise started That is from a mic on the "Shotgun seat" While I am driving on Interstate 275 in Tampa, FL. The noise is very loud in the car. When I get over to the left or make a left turn the noise goes away. What do you think?


      1. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Does it change pitch with speed? What’s the miles? Original wheel bearings?

        Maybe start a thread, include above info.
        Mar 23, 2024
      2. Rideshare Sean
        Rideshare Sean
        The pitch does change a little. I think it is the catalytic converter. There are 543,000 miles on the car. The wheel bearings have been replaced twice, There is a detailed maintenance log at my website.

        Mar 23, 2024
    19. rjparker
      She said she added sealer as the hg noise was bothering her
      1. Mendel Leisk likes this.
    20. GoodOldBob
      Look, I'll wait a bit. My left shoulder is "fubar" or " comminuted, compacted, 4 part, fracture of the proximal humerus " to be accurate. It will take about 3 months to heal.
      1. pettihome likes this.
      2. Mendel Leisk
        Mendel Leisk
        Ouch. Yeah that lift with the toes tip was just for down-the-road.
        Jan 24, 2024
      3. Pete44
        I hope your shoulder is healing well and you're slowly gaining full use with no significant pain. I'm an emergency physician and know one of the best shoulder surgeons in the country if you should need one. Often you do not. Aspen Colorado Steadman Clinic, Dr. Jerod Lee. Just in case.
        Aug 30, 2024
        GoodOldBob likes this.
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  • About

    Jul 9, 1951 (Age: 73)
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Draftsman/Checker. Retired...
    2010 Prius
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