Last Activity:
Mar 11, 2025 at 9:07 PM
Nov 29, 2020
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Durham NC


Senior Member, Male, from Durham NC

New steer wheel wings painted Jul 26, 2024

Tombukt2 was last seen:
Mar 11, 2025 at 9:07 PM
    1. PopCorkOff
      What I mean is every time I barely touched the brake pedal it let out this loud whoop-whistle ! Dealer said he had never heard that noise before !
    2. PopCorkOff
      Replaced '13 Prius master cyl. & pump. Had Dealer bleed system but it whoop-whistled when braking. Replacement pump failed so put good old pump back in. As I loosed high press. line, foam & air came out. Whoop-whistle GONE. Was it bled properly? 1: soft pedal can press all the way down when pushed hard, but brakes work fine. 2: fluid level raises 1/2 inch over night. Dealer says ALL is OK. Is he right or will I die?
    3. Prij1
    4. Tombukt2
      New steer wheel wings painted
    5. htcmember
      hi @Tombukt2,

      Could you please share me these techstream FW for Prius/Lexus CT gen 3? :)
      I would love to try on it and flash it into my car for a trial and share experience on the group too.
      I've recently changed these egr valve and new intake manifold but seem that I still feel the rough/shaking issue even it's better than before of the replacements.
      thanks again and have a wonderful night :)

      Riley (htcmember)
    6. ColoradoCrow
      Tom, I have a friend looking for a gen 2 . any Ideas on a good used one? His budget is slim...trying to figure what he needs to save? $3K? More or less?
      1. Tombukt2
        And where might this person be Can this person do anything does he have tools of any sorts or is this just like somebody's kid they need to plop in a car because they need them to go away?
        May 24, 2024
      2. ColoradoCrow
        He has some tools and knowledge. Mechanically inclined.
        May 24, 2024
    7. Tombukt2
      Got the 08 lifted 40mm today hell getting studs out of top plates
      1. ColoradoCrow likes this.
    8. Tombukt2
      Had to pick up a 2012 Chevy Volt to replace the generation 3 since we can't get it to do right no matter what we do
    9. OldMage
      Texted about the MFD, haven't seen a reply, figured I'd try you here.
      1. Tombukt2
        Look man I deal with a lot of incompetence everyday complete and other morons I have your stuff ready to go I need to look and see if I have your address You have my phone if you still need the stuff let me know I'll break it down tonight and get it in a box
        May 20, 2024
    10. Freeus5
      Hey Tom, you had asked me how far I am from Westchester. Is there some place there I can get this engine swapped out?
      1. Tombukt2
        I was using that as a locator I know people all over the country that work on these vehicles and other things Tell me where you are basically
        Mar 23, 2024
      2. Tombukt2
        I'm at 9198920363 too
        Mar 23, 2024
    11. OldMage
      Hey Tom, you got part # for RA65 starter solenoid contacts & plunger? My older boys are really wanting to help me get my coupe running again. Does the starter type matter much? I remember Mark (RA24man) spec'ing a specific starter for my build.
      1. Tombukt2
        Text my phone if you do that 919-892-0363 I can get you sorted out two or three different ways not an issue Happy to help
        Mar 9, 2024
    12. Tombukt2
      [email protected] or 919 892 0363 up early bed late. Old military. Lots of pieces for these cars
    13. Tombukt2
      Picked up another 08 green mint leather interior looks like it was just taken out of the garage and taken out of service
      1. Annaman likes this.
    14. vvillovv
      Sorry it looked strange to you. I thought since you are in a similar area you have a better idea of where the person could get service. Looks like 2 posts of all that person is gonna make anyway.
    15. vvillovv
    16. ColoradoCrow
      Tom, I sent you an email about selling my 08 Gen 2 with 128K miles.. Prices are all over. I've seen local gen 2 go for $9k with 180 miles on them. I think I have it fairly listed at $7,200. What do you think? I have had people ask about delivery. I could do that and fly home but not sure how to proceed with a sale. What do you think? Know anyone who needs a great 08?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ColoradoCrow
        Yes. Rust free. No salt on the roads in CO. Garage kept.
        Jul 27, 2023
      3. ColoradoCrow
      4. ColoradoCrow
        What do you think of the photos?
        Jul 28, 2023
    17. bisco
      i watched the map cleaning video, i think my back can withstand that amount of time under the hood. i'll get some crc maf cleanerand give it a shot.
    18. bisco
      haha, no, it's an acronym for my old boston interior design company. it never occurred to me when customers started using it and laughing.
    19. bisco
      i could probably do that. i'll look for a youtube video. i can't lean over the engine bay or my lower back goes out and i'm in traction for a week.
      1. Tombukt2
        If you text my phone if you do that sort of thing I can send you some pics and won't be limited to this 420 characters in nonsense You won't have to bend over too much this is these two things I'm talking about are quick and you can stand pretty much straight up You might bend over for a second to undo the map sensor but nothing serious I mean a slight I don't know 5° bend over maybe I have sciatica and a bad back
        Jul 15, 2023
      2. Tombukt2
        And I'll send you the part numbers tomorrow afternoon for the ones I ordered they're like $12 a piece I ordered two two different makes they all look the same and they fit hundreds of cars
        Jul 15, 2023
      3. Tombukt2
        Do you work for Nabisco You know the cookie company
        Jul 15, 2023
    20. bisco
      i'll ask the mechanic to look at the map first, then move on to the egr. i hope he is amenable, sometimes they insist on doing things their own way.
      1. Tombukt2
        Oh you have no way to do this at home or in the apartment parking lot or what have you I mean it's just two 10 mm in a plug spray it off with the carbon choke cleaner look down the whole see if there's any oil build up if there is give it a shot in the hole let that stuff air out put it back on and start the car
        Jul 15, 2023
      2. Tombukt2
        Here here again a coat hanger say 13 14 in long with a half inch bend on the end take off that metal tube going to the intake from the EGR cooler and run that down the intake manifold use your shark rocket or your shop vac pull a vacuum on that hole that you just ran the reamer down that pulls most of the crap out
        Jul 15, 2023
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    Durham NC
    2009 Prius