The camera works best installed at the top of the window. The video is shot upside down but that is no problem because there is free software on the web that converts it too right side up. If you put it on your dash it gets quite hot with the sun beating on it so I put it on top so the sun can't get to it much. If you have your front window tint moved down it will keep the sun off of it.
The camera is proof of what actually happened if I get into a accident. Most of the time the other guy blame's you so this little guy will show the real truth. If someone cuts you off you have video of his rear with the license number to prove who did it.
Sharkfin works great Robin. You will not notice any difference in reception. It is very easy to install also. I replaces that ugly antenna. Got in from the Prius Chat site. I believe I pruchased the bug shield the same way.
rrobin: 5% - WOW! Let's see a picture. I bet it looks "gansta" with such dark tint. Did you get any warning about going too dark and potentially breaking the law? How is your visibility (looking out) at night?
Here is the site you can get the pull across sunshade Robin :[email protected] The sunroof site is the URL: It cost $1100 to install and it takes about 7 hours. The only location that would install the Wabasco was their San Diego site. The LA site used a different brand and that brand was 3" wider and would not look good. The sales guy at the LA site told me that I might not like the way it looks because other customers had commented that they did not like the look. The Wabasco looks and is the best for the Prius. Make sure you get the model that slides or tips up + auto closes when you exit the car. They do great work. It looks like a factory install when they are done.
It reached near 80 degrees here. It really was a beautiful day. I'm planting some fruit trees tomorrow.
It works well. It doesn't pull stations in quite as strong as the oem antennae, but it works fine. Plus I think it looks great!
He's a mix. Mostly Afghan Hound and Boston Terrier with smaller bits of Keeshond, Scottish Terrier, Weimeraner, Dalmation and Chihuahua. I had a DNA test done. You can get one for about $50.00