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May 2, 2017 at 5:06 PM
Oct 6, 2004
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SW-Side of Chicago, IL
Fire Protection Engineer


Active Member, from SW-Side of Chicago, IL

FireEngineer was last seen:
May 2, 2017
    1. asteros
      Hi Wayne - I bought a heater for my 2015 Prius. I wonder if you happen to be around Seattle - Portland area to help me with installing it. Thx :)
    2. nerfer
      Hi Wayne, nice to see you at the Milwaukee Drive$mart gathering last month. Took a couple minutes to jog my memory, but now I got it.
    3. DetPrius
    4. eldiee
      Wayne, I left you a note and have not heard back about this years fair on the 7&8 of August. Are you and others going to attend? If yes do you need any help? I may be able to come on Saturday the 7th. Let me know what is happening with the group's exhibit and if they need my vechile or just me to help. Thanks Eldon Clark
    5. 2010 Prius V
      2010 Prius V
      Hi Wayne,
      I just bought my 2010 Prius V and also the engine block heater. I saw the instructions for installing it from the top (removing wiper blades, wiper motor, etc.), but was wondering if there is an easier way to install from under the car. Are there any upcoming meetings that you are planning on holding for engine block heater installs? Didn't have the Prius in October. Thanks!
    6. nhougham6562
      Hello Wayne, I now have my EBH from Bradlee Fons and also I picked up a timer as suggested. When can we arrange for the installation? I get off work at 4 in Sugar Grove this Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Saturday I am available, also next Sunday.
    7. plucas
      Hi FireEngineer,

      My name is Phil, I live in northern IL near the Wisconsin State line. I just purchased a 2008 Toyota Prius from Carmax in Kenosha, WI this past week. I just purchased the Block heater for my Prius and I was wondering if you can recommend a good place to get it installed. I also purchased the side modeling and the "Toyota Prius Auto Door Lock" and would need them installed also. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. My mobile telephone is 847-921-6605 or my email address is [email protected].


    8. Rangerdavid
      Hi Wayne!! Great to see you again. It was a great time, wasn't it!!
    9. gentlebreezes45
      I love you! Hope you are having a wonderful time!

    10. Mark Rogers
      Mark Rogers
      thanks for your tips and offer to install my engine block heater... but I'm way up in Northern Michigan, and you appear to be in Chicago... how did you plan to do that???

    11. Mark Rogers
      Mark Rogers
      thanks for your tips and offer to install my engine block heater... but I'm way up in Northern Michigan, and you appear to be in Chicago... how did you plan to do that???

    12. gkalkas
      It was great running into you at Hybridfest '08. You mentioned the guy who won the Tahoe rally. Do you, by chance, have his name, and email address? I have a few questions on getting good mileage with the new Tahoe.
      Thanks, Wayne
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  • About

    SW-Side of Chicago, IL
    Fire Protection Engineer
    2010 Prius


    2017 Kia Niro EX w/Tech pkg
    2015 Avalon Limited Hybrid
    2010 Blue Ribbon Metallic Prius IV w/Sunroof-Solar-Navigation
    2005 Salsa Red Package 6 (BC)-Retired 6/12/2009 w/89,989 miles Average MPG 54.5, Best tank MPG 80.1/932 miles
    Free engine block heater install, just ask. 180 warmer Prius done to date. Including one very special 2010 Prius.