lech auto air conditionin
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lech auto air conditionin

Senior Member, from san francisco

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way. Sharing and spreading knowledge.. Jun 17, 2023

lech auto air conditionin was last seen:
May 11, 2024
    1. wr69
      hi lech, I watched some of your videos and it seems you know AC systems. I'm in Portland, OR. do you know anyone smart, and reasonably priced to recharge or diagnosis AC systems issues in the Pacific Northwest?
      1. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        No unfortunately.
        Jul 17, 2023
      2. wr69
        okay, thx for quick reply never-the-less
        Jul 17, 2023
    2. Mgoddard92
      2013 Prius, I have code b1498 and believe my compressor is bad, all ac fuses check good. Fluid is seen in the sight glass but no bubbles are seen. When doing the auto and recirc I get 00. What equipment is needed to recharge r134a and oil, ex vacuum pump, recovery machine or both. I prefer to tackle most task as long, as cost makes sense.
      1. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        You may be able to sheet a shop to recover refrigerant for free.

        Gauges, vacuum pump, scale accurate 5g preferable. Or close.

        May need condenser if burnt compressor with metal flakes or burnt oil.
        Jul 4, 2023
    3. PaulHeiser
      what's the minimum vacuum pump type I should used that will get me through a few months?

      On a used pump for my new auto service I'm not worried about the seal like with any eiother gear. I'm worried about getting into the minimum micron levels for the cheap. How farf off is le Harbor Freight 3 CFM?
      1. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        How small or how big the CFM is not important.

        The CFM is how fast you get there

        What’s important is the micron rating of the pump?.

        Do you want to get a two stage vacuum pump NOT SINGLE STAGE

        The lower the micron rating, the better

        If you have a micron gauge, you can always test the pump.

        Good vacuum pumps will be somewhere around the 15 µm to 20 µm range
        Jun 26, 2023
        PaulHeiser likes this.
      2. PaulHeiser
        Okay, starting at how many Horse Power?
        Jun 27, 2023
    4. PriusPaddler
    5. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way. Sharing and spreading knowledge..
      1. PriusPaddler likes this.
    6. Jimlarge
      I need to remove the wiring from gen 2 AC compressor. I currently don't have a tool that will remove the special bolts for the wiring.

      Can you tell me what tool is needed?
      1. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        I have never had the need to remove the wiring out of the compressor.

        But if I could remember from 10 or 15 years ago I think I tore one down because it was a burned out compressor and I just wanted to look in it and I hammered on a different socket that almost fit a little tight and forced it off through friction fit.
        Sep 17, 2022
    7. kolez2000
      my ac compressor as not been working well for sometime now. On Sunday it stopped chilling finally. Today I check the low pressure line and saw that he refrigerant was black. Pls what could be the cause of this? I am going to buy another compressor tomorrow as I can't drive without ac in this hot weather.
      What else do I need to check before I fix my new compressor? Hoping for response.
      1. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        If the inside of your system is completely totally black on every line connection replaced condenser replace expansion valve a old 2009 evaporator replace that too don’t reuse it at that age flush all your lines replace I need that have mufflers
        Mar 8, 2022
    8. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      Yes I met plugs
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ianmeister
        Alright, everything is back together. I wound up replacing the Compressor, the rubber AC lines and the condenser. The radiator was PACKED with sand so I replaced that too. All Denso parts. Car runs great, no leaks, coolant is burped. Next I'll bring it to my local Toyota Hybrid AC guys (yes I found factory trained guys) to recharge the system correctly. wish me luck!
        Oct 23, 2021
      3. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        Yes the brand new condenser comes with a desiccant bag installed inside of it
        Oct 24, 2021
      4. Ianmeister
        Well my Hybrid AC guys here in Boise said the system is working well! I feel rather smug.
        Nov 1, 2021
    9. Ianmeister
      Hey there. So I’m about to embark on replacing my compressor and condenser and the rubber hoses on my gen3. I was strongly recommended to hit you up for advice. Got a minute or two?
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      2. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        Oil balance remove both quads turn compressor upside down for 10 or 15 minutes constantly moving it a little to the left middle right shifting it forwards and backwards to drain out oil and then replace For instructions the amount that came out of the old compressor
        Oct 12, 2021
      3. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        I don’t have no videos on disassembling of the front for a condenser or desiccant bag some people just loosen it up Lyft and tilted forward removing the bottom cap to replace the bag
        Oct 12, 2021
      4. Ianmeister
        OK, got the old one out, it smells BURNT. when you say quads, do you mean those connector cover/plug thingies?
        Oct 14, 2021
    10. GreenTerrorPrius
      Hey Lech do you have time for a question on 2012 Prius AC issue?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lech auto air conditionin
        lech auto air conditionin
        Yes ask away see if we could find a solution together.
        Oct 18, 2020
        GreenTerrorPrius likes this.
      3. GreenTerrorPrius
      4. GreenTerrorPrius
        The aboe link describes my issue. I think it is some type of relay or something. Also I live in Fla so defrost is only related to humid air, not ice an cold. But the Defrost is an issue but the AC issue I think if I get fixed then defrost will work
        Oct 19, 2020
    11. lech auto air conditionin
    12. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      Educating the clueless
    13. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      If you thought education ,training and tools are expensive, Try IGNORANCE & Cheapness in a automotive shop see what you get.
      1. Lazaro solis likes this.
    14. magiclee
      The most helpful as well as up-to-date information I found on that subject. Indeed pleased that I found your webpage by accident. Cheap Nike DunksI will be opting-in to the feed in order that I will have the newest updates. Truly appreciate the information here.Cheap Shoes China
    15. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      A little about myself. At 15 my father introduce me to air condidtining and electrical trouble shooting. My first hands on job for that summer was rebuilding General Motors A6 air conditioning compressors by frigidaire . At that age my father thought me not to just replace parts, but what caused them to fail in the first place. Not just replace part like a monkey . find a better part procedure or material so will not happen again or last longer. A/C compressor should last the life of the car, unless of neglect or poor service procedures . that's why today I am still servicing vehicles with compresses that are 50 +years old.
      For the last 17 years in my own business as Lech auto air conditioning. Iv been a mobile vendor providing in house a/c service for auto repair shops and body shops. Trying to stop shop from taking shot cuts that spell disaster for a a/c compresor.
    16. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      Most service shop learn A/C in a book or sitting in a few hour or 1 day class is just enough to cause damage, just enough to get the car out the door and collect money$$$. Many learn on your car at the customers expense. Some love to fix cars, some just like to make money$$ the later ARE THE ONES TO STAY AWAY FROM!. They only want to learn the least for the least amount of time and money to make the most profit ( sounds good for business ) there are not short cuts fixing or servicing A/C. A A/C compressor should last the life of the car? yes but so few know this. As long as a out side force dose nothing to damage the system or rubber seals fail, it keep going and going!!!. There are just some people who can not comprehend what they cant see, touch, smell, hear. Unless you have 110% understanding of the physics, chemical, thermodynamics, ect, the more wrong parts that will be replaced and the less rights part that have not gotten replace. It works for now but them fails.
      1. PriusPaddler and Lazaro solis like this.
    17. lech auto air conditionin
      lech auto air conditionin
      air conditioning problems, have you have your prius a/c serviced at a shop or after having you prius fixed in a body shop had your compressor fail,
      i only work on air conditioning in san francisco bay area. the last few years iv seen way to many prius with burnt compressors after leaving body shops after repairs. most cause have been , over charged, under charge, no oil, too much oil, wrong oil, air in the system, moisture in the system and poor quality after market condenser.
      Prius has a good a/c system, but its the repair shops doing the service burning up the compressors and the customers are paying the bill for their lack of knowledge about the new electric compressors.
      1. wr69, PriusPaddler and Brett E. like this.
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