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Nov 15, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Nov 26, 2003
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December 20
Home Page:
Nixa, MO
ER Physician


Moderator Emeritus, Male, from Nixa, MO

Staff Member
efusco was last seen:
Nov 15, 2022
    1. Mr. Man
      Mr. Man
      Can you please change my screen name to Priscilla?
    2. Priuslover09
      can you delete my posts or my account i want fo either make anew account or start fresh with this account only the post i madde not the replies to other posts
    3. Genoz World
      Genoz World
      stupid question..........can you walk me through starting a new thread?

      thank you dr!
      1. Econ likes this.
    4. hihybrid
      Hi Evan,
      I was wondering if you might be able to help me. We recently had to replace our 09 Prius that was totaled in an accident. We now have an 08 Touring. Before they hauled off the '09, I was able to remove 3 Coastal mods that I had installed. I have access to the installation guides for 2 of the mods. But I can't find my instructions for the Door Lock mod. I contacted Coastal and, inexplicably, they no longer have the instructions either. Apparently they got rid of them when they stopped offering the Door Lock mod for the 2nd gen Prius. So i'm stuck. I'd really like to install that mod on our "new" Prius. I thought I had remembered you being one of the many that had installed this mod and you seem pretty organized, so there might be a chance you would still have those instructions? And if not, I thought there might be a pretty good chance that you would know who to ask.

      Many thanks,
      1. Econ likes this.
    5. DianneWhitmire
      Yo - I have been trying to contact Danny.
      I need his paypal address or a mailing address to send payment?
      1. Econ likes this.
    6. Silver bullit
      Silver bullit
      Hi- Thanks for adding the photo of the new UK electric car to my post about it. I am new to this site and still learning the ropes. The photo adds to the post...Mike (Silver bullit)
      1. Econ likes this.
    7. okiebutnotfrommuskogee
      Hi Evan,

      I have a question for you as a moderator. Somehow I managed to turn of the pictures such as attached images, the peoples pictures under their names (can't think of the proper name of them), and even the Prius chat logo at the top of the pages. The question is, how do I get them back on?

      The other question is, are you still interested in the tires?

    8. lys
      Thank you very much for your help.

      My homework for this week:
      To write down "electricity is with r" a thousand of times.
      BTW, I find very interesting to have a Troll Slayer in this forum.
      I wish to have some prepared slayers in other forums.

    9. lys
      1. Econ likes this.
    10. okiebutnotfrommuskogee
      Evan, How are we looking for the tire swap. I am really envious of your Detroit trip, but I guess they want young people that have many more car buying years ahead and not 75 year old geezers that can pay cash for a new car whenever the notion hits.

      Your idea of where to meet sounds fine to me.
      1. Econ likes this.
    11. a priori
      a priori
      Thank you for your part in leading this grand voyage. I'm so glad to have met you in Detroit, and I can only hope we have a chance to be part of something like that again!
    12. okiebutnotfrommuskogee
      Dining room isn't really a dining room anymore, just a place to put stuf. Not the first time car parts have been in there. We have lived in the same house for 44 years, so you can imagine that it is getting pretty full.
    13. efusco
      Oh geez! They're not really in your dining room!?
    14. okiebutnotfrommuskogee
      I work on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Tell you what -- I'll move them from my dining room to my storage building (nice cool dry place), and we will talk about it later. PM me if you see an opening in your schedule. No hurry..

      Have a good trip.
    15. efusco
      Not good. I've got the kids Sat., work Sunday, meeting Mon. and 'Honey dos' that have to get done, then I work the next 3 days, then I'm off to Colorado from the 9th-18th.
      Thurs. 8th is theoretically possible as I don't work until 5pm, but it's the day before we leave and I'll probably need to be packing and getting last minute crap done for while we're away.
    16. okiebutnotfrommuskogee
      Forgot, cell phone is 918-277-4070
    17. okiebutnotfrommuskogee

      How is the time looking for the big tire swap mission?

    18. halpos4
      LOL,I just read back on the message i sent you,a little confusing!
      Basically,the cost of shipping the items from Sigma[using their shipping calculator]would have cost $126.50,I mailed Edward to let him know i was placing the order but that i thought the shipping was a little high,he mailed me back[almost immediately]to say that he would tie in S&H for $60,i thanked him,but i would like to thank him on PC but i wouldn't know which forum to use......in general,people are quick to name and shame Companies for bad service.....i think we should be quicker to name the good!!
      I hope this makes a little more sense!!
    19. judymcfarland
      1. Econ likes this.
    20. richard schumacher
      richard schumacher
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  • About

    December 20
    Home Page:
    Nixa, MO
    ER Physician
    2004 Prius
    Married father of 3
    Photography, Travel, Home Brewing
    2018 Tesla Model 3, 2016 Tesla Model X, 2004 Prius, 2006 Highlander Hybrid and 2010 Prius IV


    Evan E. Fusco, MD
    2004 Prius, 2006 Highlander Hybrid, 2016 Tesla Model X 90D, 2018 Tesla Model 3 AWD LR, 2010 Prius IV
    "It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word." -Andrew Jackson
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