Last Activity:
Jul 22, 2017 at 3:49 AM
Mar 9, 2012
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orlando, florida
owner cabinet manufacturing


Junior Member, from orlando, florida

toyplug was last seen:
Jul 22, 2017
    1. toyplug
      After owning my PIP for a week now I really feel sorry for the Volt and Leaf folks. I purchased a Base model that amazed me how well it was equiped. I almost have to pinch myself to believe this car is real. When you look at the dashboard and see 374MPG after 250 around town miles it is just surreal. I live in Orlando, Florida and flew to Newport News Va. to pick the PIP up last Saturday. I drove it from the dealership to Orlando instead of trucking it because I figured it would take months to break the ICE in just driving around town with over 200 Coulomb charging stations here, most of them free to charge. When I left the dealership my PIP had a full charge and averaged 72MPG for the first 100 miles driving 65mph. I ramped the car up to 78MPH for next 725 miles. This new PIP averaged 53mpg for the trip. To those reading this that may not sound all that great but it is. You push a lot of air driving 78mph.

      Mick P
    2. toyplug
      Thanks, No discount, begged but no. after all it's not a Volt. If you go to Hybrid cars, Forums you can see under epa 11 mile range some comparison experiences between me and Chuck NJ. We received our cars about a day apart last weekend. I live in Orlando, Florida and think I have the first PIP in Orlando. I didn't order my base model with floor mats or clear protection for hood and front bumper. What a mistake, the bug plastic protection for the front is $695 installed and the standard prius carpet floor mats won't work because the hold down clips are in a different location in the back. I could have had both plastic and mats if I purchased during the ordering process for about half. Fantastic car though. I would say a three to four times overall economy improvement over the 2nd generation prius that I still have. It is entirely possible to drive a few months between fillups if you keep pluged in. I am averaging in town around 240 mpg for the last 125 miles driven.

      Mick P
    3. 9G-man
      Congrats on you new Plug-in. Please post some pics of your new car!
      Also, were you able to get any discount from your dealer?
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    orlando, florida
    owner cabinet manufacturing
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    semi retired/former gearhead

    student ministries