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Nov 12, 2024 at 8:51 PM
Apr 16, 2008
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North Dakota
Coal Mine Tour Guide


Junior Member, Female, from North Dakota

eroxie was last seen:
Nov 12, 2024
    1. eroxie
      Magicallen, You totally lost me on your comments to me,
    2. magicallen
      Great points…I would note that as someone who really doesn’t write on blogs much in fact, this may be my first post, ugg boots on saleI don’t think the term “lurker” is very flattering to a non-posting reader. It’s not your fault really , cheap ugg bootsbut perhaps the blogosphere could come up with a better, non-creepy name for the 90of us that enjoy reading the content ..
    3. BigDeal
      I haven't driven my Prius much lately either. Maybe once a week.
      Everything I've read says to just start driving right after starting it. No need to let it sit and idle.
    4. eroxie
      Glad to hear your trip went well, and given our weather this year the Explorer was a good choice. I haven't had my Prius out for over a week. My hubby drives a Jeep to work with 4 wheel drive. But I'll have to blow snow tomorrow if I want to go to work on Monday. I've been very impressed with how my Prius starts during this cold snap. I haven't had a chance to install my engine heater yet and no problems. Do you know do they suggest letting it warm up for a certain time period.
    5. BigDeal
      We had a good trip to Tacoma. The weather didn't affect us. We got there and back without much trouble. Only thing was we almost missed our connecting flight in Mpls on the way there. We just made it but our suitcase didn't, so had to go back and get it the next day. Tacoma has more snow than usual too. We didn't do a lot while we were there, but just hung out and relaxed, which was nice. We met their 3 dogs for the first time (they might be the closest thing I get to having grandkids, ha!). They were nice enough dogs (Whippets), just don't know why they want to have so many of them!!
      We got home late Friday night and drove home through the snow and 30mph winds. So that wasn't much fun. The roads had some pillow drifts and were snowed over in some places, but we made it okay. We drove the Explorer just in case the weather was bad. And more snow last night!! This is going to be one long winter.

      Think Danny is going to be giving away some more prizes after the 1st. So maybe you'll get lucky too!!
    6. eroxie
      Good job on the winning!!!I'm green with envy. Our get together was fantastic! We sat around the pool and acted like we were in Florida on the beach. Didn't even mind that it was 18 below outside. Hope you got out to Wash. before the storm hit. I know you had a great Christmas, anytime we get to spend time with our kids that we don't get to see much, is a good time.
    7. BigDeal
      Forgot to say congrats to your daughter on her accomplishment. Hope you have a good time at your get-together!

      Also, I won a prize in the Priuschat giveaways they've been having!! I'm so excited. I won a goodie bag of pencils, a pen, flashlight, notepad, etc.
    8. BigDeal
      We're flying to Tacoma. I wouldn't mind taking the Prius on a nice long road trip, but not in the middle of winter. It's too long of a drive to have to worry about what the weather could do on the way. We'd probably run into something like what we're having tonight! So far it doesn't look too bad out there, but we'll see what morning brings.
      And, of course, we're very proud of our doctor daughter. I'm not sure where she got all the drive and ambition from to make it through med school, but that's what she wanted to do - and she did it.
      Our son lives in Fargo and works for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. He's in their computer department. Takes care of security type stuff - keeps the hackers out and such.
      That's good of you and hubby to play Santa and santa's helper! I'm sure you bring smiles to a lot of people.

      I was thinking of asking the son if he wants to go to Tacoma with us. We could buy him a plane ticket for Christmas. Guess I'd better ask him soon.
      Stay warm!!
    9. eroxie
      Today was Santa Day here in town, my hubby plays Santa. After he's done with the kids he goes over to the nursing home. Those older folks just LOVE getting hugs from Santa. It's one of the highlights of our holiday season. I get to play santa's helper. Today was really cold and ugly, yet we still had over 60 kids. Of course Santa's ride wasn't the reindeer drawn sled but rather a cool looking Prius (Ha-ha).
    10. eroxie
      Oh don't give up hope on those grandkids, God has a way of slipping them in when you least expect them. Have fun in Washington, it should be nice there. Are you driving or flying there? Congrats. on the daughter !!!ou should be very proud of her. What is your son doing? Is he going to Washington with you. One of our daughters is graduating from massage therapy school on Fri. 19th of Dec. So we'll party down in Bis. for that with all the kids being home.
    11. BigDeal
      I was a stay at home mom too until the kids got into high school.
      Don't know if I'll ever get to experience being a grandma. My son is unmarried and don't know if he'll ever get married. The daughter is married, but very career oriented and not a big fan of kids. She graduated from medical school last spring, so she's very busy these days. She's living in Tacoma, WA. We're going there for Christmas.
      Good luck with your block heater install.
    12. eroxie
      Ya we have way too many vehicles,but each seem to have their own use. My husband works at GRE so I have a good idea about the gunk you're talking about. And I can see why you don't drive the "good" car. Yes we are the same age, I'm 52. I have 4 daughters. The oldest is turning 28 tomorrow. The twins are 21. The baby is 19. The 3 youngest are in college. The oldest has a son 4 years old and a daughter who will be 1 yr old on the 28th. It's great being a grandma! I was a stay at home mom, but since the kids are gone I now work at Falkirk Mine.
      About that thread on installing the block heater, I did see it a couple of weeks ago and once the heater comes I'll print off the pictures so I have a better chance of getting it done right.
    13. BigDeal
      Wow, you own a lot of vehicles. And I thought we had too many at three! I don't even get to drive my Prius as much as I'd like to because there is always a vehicle parked behind it! We both work at Dakota Gasification and we don't drive it to work because of the cooling tower spew that can get on your vehicle along with other assorted gunk that can get on it that isn't so good for the paint. We drive an old Honda Civic to work or our Explorer in snowy weather. So seems I only get to drive the Prius on the weekends or for trips to Bismarck or other places.

      We must be close to the same age. I see in one of your threads you mentioned your kids being in their twenties. My daughter is 29 and my son is 28. I'm 52 myself.

      Did you find the thread with the pictures on how to install the block heater?
    14. eroxie
      What's the deal with our husbands? I finally got mine to change the oil and the cabin air filter. He admitted when he was done that it is probably the easiest car to change the oil on that we own and we own 9 different vehicles. I ordered a heater from this site and will try and install it myself. That should be interesting to say the least. Roxie
    15. BigDeal
      I put the pipe insulation in the front of my Prius too, and it does seem to help. And it fits in there so nice too! I learn all kinds of stuff in these forums!
      I had my block heater installed by Cedric Theel before I even picked up the car. There's a thread with pictures somewhere that shows how to install one, but that's beyond my skill level I'm sure. The husband doesn't even want to change the oil, so I knew he wouldn't put one in either.
    16. eroxie
      Hey sorry for asking stupid questions. You told me a few emails back that you installed a heater. Did you have a shop do it or was this something you done yourself?
    17. eroxie
      I agree we do live in a part of ND where hills are the norm.And yes it does effect our mileage, but I'm still happy as could be with my car. I read somewhere on this site to cut pipe insulation in half and plug the front air slots to help hold in the heat(keep the cold out). I tried it and raised my mileage. As far as my husband goes, don't worry he'll come around. He's scared of anything new that he can't fix. Do you have a head bolt heater on your Prius?
    18. BigDeal
      Glad you got your computer back online. Sounds like it was quite a trial getting your Prius home. I hate driving on bad roads. I would have been totally stressed after that drive, I think. Hopefully your husband has been won over on his thinking about the Prius. You got pretty good mileage on the way back. I average about mid forties with mine also (when it's warmer out, that is). I've come to the conclusion that I won't get much better mileage than that around here because there's too many hills. Hwy 49 is like a roller coaster, and I94 between 49 and Bismarck is pretty hilly too. When I was in MN last July with the Prius I got 50mpg while I was there. The roads were much flatter.
      Hope you're still enjoying the Prius.
    19. eroxie
      Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, My computer crashed and I just got it back. My kids say it's because I've been studying too much about the Prius on line. (haha). I am even more appreciative of my Prius than I thought I would be. I picked it up in Rochester,MN. On the way home the weather and roads were TERRIBLE. Between Rochester and MPLS there were 6 rollovers and 8 other cars in the ditch. My Prius took me through all of that at a nice speed and no slipping or skidding. Through all of that I still got 44 mpg. I'm from Underwood, but my husband was totally against getting an electric car or anything like it , so I had to get as much information as possible before he'd give me the ok to get one.
    20. BigDeal
      Do you live in or near Minot then? I am in Beulah. How's the Prius treating you so far?
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