Peter. HA..guess I cant cuss on here but sxxx , now I am worried about where I have rented. The person interviewed with said she had actually been in the cabin/house, had a friend nearby, etc and it was great so I went for it. It is around mile marker 7 or 8 not far from Turners Corner..the owner said they plow the main road up there almost daily...what do you think> Really dont want to sell my Prius and buy a 4 wheel drive but I know this is an option if I had too....or somehow park the Prius for the winter and buy a cheap truck...from what I read ( and talking to the owner of the cabin) it sounded like that part of the pass stays fairly passable. With good tires will it be a problem? I was thinking the low clearance on the Prius would be the biggest issue? I was also told mile marker 8 to downtown Palmer will be about 15 that right? Also, great about no pressure to get the car winterized right away.. a big relief! Thanks so much for taking the time to correspond! Susan