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Jan 31, 2012 at 4:07 PM
Nov 27, 2006
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December 10
Glendale, WI
retired IT professional


Queen of Moral Indignation, from Glendale, WI

judymcfarland was last seen:
Jan 31, 2012
    1. magiclee
      The most helpful as well as up-to-date information I found on that subject. Cheap Shoes ChinaIndeed pleased that I found your webpage by accident. Cheap Nike DunksI will be opting-in to the feed in order that I will have the newest updates. Truly appreciate the information here.
    2. GreenWithEnvy
      Hi Judy - nice to see you online!
    3. Erin Rothchild-Realtor
      Erin Rothchild-Realtor
      Hi Judy : )

      Was born in White Plains New York ( towards the city and Queens ) and lived in various towns in Nassau County Long Island... Im with you, dont like it to cold, nor to hot....Did you wind up getting snow today? Also lived in Chicago, and went to elementary school there for quite a while, and then briefly lived in Coloma Wisconsin. From there, back to New York, to Florida, To Alabama, and now Texas for the last almost seven years.. My parents were divorced when I was 13, and we went back and forth between them, and lived in many more places than most families due to putting the word "dysfunctional" to the test...lol....Everyone...well mostly everyone, came out A-Ok....one brother has to always be bossy, but aside from that its all good. Married February 20, 2008 to Greg, we have been together for six years, almost seven. Had been in bad relationships previously and I was scared to say "I do" again, but as it turns out, Greg is my best friend in the world, and keeps me laughing, and vica versa. We each have a son. Eddie ( mine ) is 24, and is Navy Reserves, but hasnt served anywhere, and is back at home getting his feet on the ground financially, and Shawn 21 (Greg's) is in California and full time Navy on a ship. We have two grandbabies from Shawn but different mommy's. Our boys keep us on our toes for sure. Greg works for Hewlett Packard and aids in lap top design on a global level...but I have no idea how he does what he does all day...Im not an office personality,and have to many "independent thoughts and opinons" to be politically correct, so I help Families and People find homes they love. AND... I love doing that. I get to be an advisor, and in many ways a teacher. I give from my heart, and share what everything possible with the people I represent. Have made some awesome friends while selling homes and practicing the golden rule. Loving my Prius...Thinking about calling her Turtle... as in the Turtle and the Hare...slow and steady wins the race... and INCREASES MPG..lol...have to see what she thinks of that. I LOVE FIONA, what a great name ... The original Shrek movie was my favorite of the bunch. Love Pruis Chat as a forum....noticed your post the other day about resigning in - me too - also slower to change pages on here, but all other computer applications such as my real estate searches, and email, move quickly...oh well, if thats the worst thing to deal with in life, Im in great shape....Have a wonderful evening... Erin
    4. Erin Rothchild-Realtor
      Erin Rothchild-Realtor
      Hi Judy,

      Hahaaa....the word here is "Y'all" instead of "you guys"....Originally from NY, have lived in Chicago,Long Island,Coloma Wisconsin - a small town at the time, somewhere near Oskosh and Milwalkee I think- as well as Florida and Alabama...

      Have seen your comments and have enjoyed your sense of humor.

      Looking forward to being "friends" - Think its also great we both love Silver Pine Mica. Heard they were discontinuing it for 2010 though... maybe they will come out with another green.

      Is it chilly yet where you are? I remember all the great cheeses and the rural areas being soooo beautiful.

      Erin : )
    5. kazots
      Hi Judy, I received a friends message, but I not from Texas. I'm a California person who loves his Prius. Oh well, it is nice knowing you.
    6. okiebutnotfrommuskogee
      Hi Judy,
      I tried to set you up as a friend like you requested, but I am not sure it worked. Haven't seen you show up on my friend's list. Only Eric is there. I guess that I don't quite understand the process. Hybridfest was great. You can put me on your friends list if you like, and if you don't show up on mine, maybe you can tell me how to do it.
    7. traugu
      Hi Judy,
      I love the name you gave to your Prius! I'm still trying to find the perfect name for mine. : )
    8. judymcfarland
      Are you staying at the Days Inn? I decided to come in on Thursday & leave Sunday.
    9. freshmtt
      HI Judy,,
      I am excited about Hybridfest, can't wait to meet you,, not to many of us women on the message board,
    10. judymcfarland
      Hi Michelle,
      I wish I could say that I thought of that name, but it was my favorite of several suggestions. Looking forward to meeting you at Hybridfest.
    11. freshmtt
      HI Judy, I love your Prius's name,, Fiona,, very cool
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  • About

    December 10
    Glendale, WI
    retired IT professional
    2007 Prius
    Mother of 2 grown children, grandmother of 3; former math teacher & IT professional

    knitting, long-distance train travel


    "Fiona" - Silver Pine 2007 Touring Edition, Package #3 plus XM Radio and EBH
    (She's a princess, but not an ogre!)