Hello I am new to this and signed up due to my upcoming move to the san luis valley of Co which is the highest valley in the world at 7500 ft above sea level. Every way out of the valley is a mtn pass 9000 to 11000 feet. I went out to this area last year from Dayton Oh and had trouble driving up the mountain pass with the car groaning and the battery being depleted. We felt something was wrong with the car and got it checked out. Nothing turned out to be wrong and my question is will my car be OK driving down to Santa Fe with the higher elevation it is fine when I am on level ground. I have not had trouble with the car back in Ohio. I'm hoping this is just something to be expected with high elevation and not going to cause wear and tear on the car. I am making the move to Colorado in June. Any help any one who lives out in Southern Colorado who drives the La Veta Pass, and other pass like by canon city and pagosa springs. would be great.