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Dec 3, 2019 at 9:40 AM
Jan 27, 2009
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Denver, CO
Software Engineer


Junior Member, from Denver, CO

LovingLife was last seen:
Dec 3, 2019
    1. Redsnake
      WOW... thx....

      LOL.... I got myself a Jabra stereo bluetooth headset couple of years ago and its fantastic. Its behind the ear type covering both ears and I use it with my phone too. Personally, I am not too big a fan of pushing music straight inside my ears. I tend to listen music loud and I dont think my ears would appreciate it.

      I put tireshine on my new tires yesterday...... it looks so good :-)
    2. Redsnake
      I never bought myself an IPod...... I have little ears and it takes a lot for a earphone to stick :-). For now I am happy to burn CD-RWs with all my songs and load it in. 6 CD changer.... thats a lot of songs.
    3. LovingLife
      That makes sense. I read in the forum that it's best to drive in Eco mode in the snow. That makes it tough to floor it. The couple of times I drove it with snow on the ground in Eco mode it seemed to work.

      Tires are going to have to wait a bit before they get replaced. First on my list is upgrading the stereo. I made the mistake of getting a 2010 Prius III which has the JBL system in it. Since it's got a integrated satellite chip in it there no easy way to integrate and Ipod with it and control it via the steering wheel. I plan on replacing it with a JVC KW-NT3HDT Navigation unit. I'm in the process of collecting the various parts for that job now.
    4. Redsnake
      hehehehe.... Well mine is an 06 and I brought it in 2009. I am still learning too. The stock tires are bad and I would recommend replacing them once you get some initial satisfactory run from them. I learnt about the TCS system and how the Prius behaves in snow. What you might want to know (if you dont already know this) is that in snow conditions the Prius behaves excellently when in motion. Its the stopped and getting to move part which needs to be learnt. Eg. in snow if u stopped at an intersection and when its time to move, dont floor the go pedal. The Traction control will kick in and cut the power to the wheels to save the powertrain from breaking. The advise on the forums is to press very gently on the go pedal. I was stuck in the last snow while going uphill and I was not aware of it. I am gonna try this in our next snow and see how effective it is.
    5. Redsnake
      Ahh... We are having a huge discussion about how safe Prius is on snow and how the TCS with VSC works. I recently got new HydroEdges installed after lot of research so cant wait to rocket myself in snow. But there is hardly any this season yet...dang it.
    6. Redsnake
      Welcome to the Club. Ready for snow again?
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  • About

    Denver, CO
    Software Engineer
    2010 Prius


    2010 Prius III Barcelona Red
    Upgrades: Illuminates Door Sills, Remote Start, VIP RS3200 Security, Fog Light, Lower Rocker Molding, Sony XNV-770BT