Last Activity:
Jun 14, 2011 at 10:26 AM
Apr 21, 2009
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Joseph, Oregon
Retired high school teacher


New Member, from Joseph, Oregon

Martin37 was last seen:
Jun 14, 2011
    1. LRKingII
      No haven't talked to him and I have the dark gray interior so have no need for them.
    2. lauren80ryan
      Congratulations on car coming early!
      So do you have your car yet?!?! If so, PICTURES!! :-D
    3. Martin37
      2nd part.

      This is a beautiful area! Many homes are selling to 2nd home buyers and/or retired folks which is keeping the prices up a bit. Many of the homes are old, small but w/ some remodeling; we have new homes too. Go online to the Wallowa County Chieftain - local newspaper - to view ads or chamber of commerce to connect w/ realtors' ads. We are at the 8 mile marker east of Joseph toward Imnaha; drop by sometime. Our 11.39 acres w/ trout stream is getting to be too much for me any more; need to move to town and/or to a smaller manufactured home w/ little upkeep! Love Oregon, no sales tax, woodstove saves on propane for forced air heater but securing the wood again is a chore, snowy cold winters! We are at 4,200' elevation.
      David Martin
    4. Martin37
      RogersMotors allowed us to test drive a sold 2010 - white one; would not have placed an order if I could not be satisfied with the seat comfort, etc. Our all-weather cargo mat from port installation is only $86! I'm surprised that your Winter Grey had beige mats; if we get a blue w/ beige interior I might take you up on your half price offer.

      1st part.
    5. TempusFugit
      RogersMotors got 3 in on their first shipment - the IV which I bought 3 days before they arrived, and 2 II's. Sounds like maybe they are gone. I went into the Toyota parts department yesterday and they didn't have the all weather Cargo mat in stock - I only bought the 4 front ones for $100. He said it would be $200 for just the cargo mat which I find difficult to believe and did not order one. I'm getting out other sites and looking. The all weather ones I did get are very nice, black rubber like the ones I have in my pickup. The regular mats are very light colored (beige?) and would get dirty easily. I Almost handed them to him and then threw them in the back. I'm sure I could put them on ebay. If you ever want a set for half price just let me know:)

      I have never responded to a message here so hoping I'm doing it correctly... I just got a message when I tried to post saying it was too long so I'm sending it in two parts.

      Thanks and good luck on getting a quick shipment.
    6. TempusFugit
      Hi Martin - You live in one of my favorite areas in the U.S., lucky you! Lewiston is Not the prettiest spot, pretty ugly - I was in the Air Force in Spokane and found out there was an unadvertised job here, which I took since I was getting out.. Then I had children and didn't feel right about moving them from schools, etc. Now they are gone and we don't know how we ever ended up here for 30 years! We are thinking of moving to Oregon. My wife and I spend alot of time on the coast there, but homes looking at the Pacific west of 101 have outragous prices. I hear Oregon is a great place to live. What do you think? Do you know the average cost of a house in your area?
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  • About

    Joseph, Oregon
    Retired high school teacher
    2010 Prius
    Tree farmer & woodcarving, art