Hi Judy, Another thing has been added to the don't go to Madison list. My wife has cornea surgery scheduled for June 17, so I am not making any plans for anything this summer. Hopefully next year will be a little easier.
Sorry you won't be in Madison this year. Hope all goes well with you! Judy (and Fiona, the wonder car!)
Hello again, Just an update. I have been running Firefox. Just for fun, I opened Internet Explorer and Priuschat works fine, avators and all. Warren
Hi Evan, I was trying to remove an entry from the game called cars thread and wanted to get rid of trhe attached picture too. There was a box to check that said "remove attachments", or something like that and I clicked on it and they all went away. I looked for it on my wife's computer while simulating an edit procedure, but didn't see it. I didn't click on the advanced option, which may be where it was because I didn't want to screw that one up too. It still works fine. Whatever it was has only affected this computer. I have not installed software or antivirus things for several months. Avatars is the word that I couldn't think of. I can see them on her computer, but not this one. Other options are limited too. There is no tool-bar at the top of the reply box. There are mo emoticons, and no edit buttons, etc. Strange--- As far as the tires go, they aren't im my way and are safely stored in a cool dry place. Any further thoughts would be appreciated. Warren
I checked your permissions and show that you can see other's avatars. Have you added any image blocking/ad blocking software to your browser or anything? I suspect it's at your end that things are being blocked from viewing. I am still interested in the tires, but my life is crazy. I really have no free time to travel until at least the middle of next month.
Hi! Prius Prime from Hybridfest 08. I'm the lady with the long braid and the white Prius. How are you doing? I'm fine, waiting for the temps to warm up. Hope to see you at HF09! Donna AKA Prius Prime
Hi Warren, You are showing up in my friends list, so I whatever you did must have worked. Who knows?? And while writing this, I can see myself on your friends list. We did have fun last week didn't we? Judy