So far Ive ordered 6 $25 certificates. Go to put in your zip code. $25 gift certs will be priced about $10 . On checkout put code APE until Oct 31 to get @ $2 each. Works with $50 certs too for $4. You have to purchase a minimum $ meals at the restaurant so it works out to almost 50% off .
Nice find mojo...thanks! My fiance and I picked up 4 $25 GC's and 1 $50 GC for a total of $12! All of them were restaurants we like in our area or ones that we have wanted to try out. Most have minimum purchase qualifications but it's usually like $35 or $50 (cost of 2 entrees before your GC discount). Best part is you print them right off your computer when you checkout!
That's pretty much par for the course. I've been using them for a couple of years. When you sign up, you'll get e-mails several times a month. At the beginning of the month you get 50% off codes, but as the month goes on you get deeper discounts of up to 80 or 90%, with the highest discounts toward the end of the month. That's why you're seeing a deep discount right now- it's OCT 30th. Of course, as the month goes on, the "good" restaurants run out of certificates sometimes. Make sure you watch the rules for each restaurant. Some certificates can't be used on FRI or SAT nights for example or require a minimum purchase amount which may or may not allow you to include beverages (adult or otherwise) towards the total. It's one of the best deals on the internet. We rarely go to a restaurant anymore unless it's on
For an even BETTER deal, you can sign up for (use me as your referrer, please - cronewynd at gmail dot com), and you will get 15% of the purchase price of the restaurant coupons BACK. In the past year, just by going through eBates, I've gotten about $80 back on various purchases!
That's even better. I've been on ebates for a while now, and been using, but I didn't realize that they were eligible for rebate on ebates. Thanks!
I buy gift certificates from and use them all the time. If you eat out frequently, it's a great deal.