I have leased 2 Priuses for my business and the leases are about to expire. The cars have a lot of miles on them: one with 105,000 miles and the other with 85,000 miles. I would like to buy the cars and keep driving them but cannot find any information on how long the batteries might last. Does anyone know? If the batteries are replaced how much does that cost??
Nobody seems to have a definitive answer on price, but last I heard it was supposed to be close to 2700. Batteries are supposed to last the life of the car, however. I understand that if you were getting close to needing new ones, you'd notice a significant loss in gas mileage first, could be wrong about that though.
We all wonder, "How long will my 'main' battery last?" Yesterday, I found out the answer for my 2004 Prius. (I live in a cold climate which may or may not have some bearing on this.) 2004 Silver Prius @ 84,000 miles. The main battery puked. Excuse me. I meant to say, "It died." The good news? I get a brand new battery, like a new beginning, from Toyota at no charge! For me, still under warranty. Had this been 16,000 miles later, I wouldn't be in such a good mood.
Kemosaby I have to wonder why you are spamming the entire forum with the exact same post? This thread is four and a half years old, yet here you are posting the exact same post you have copied and pasted at least 3 other times. http://priuschat.com/forums/search/search-id/1786854/ If I was a cynical person, I would assume you are really a GM or Chrysler worker trying to spread FUD about a car your employer is seemingly unable to actually make. (GM has mastered how to issue press releases about new cars, but they seem unable to build a real hybrid that gets real gas mileage. Chrysler has not even been able to design vaporware) What HAS possessed you to open 4 year old threads to post the same message over and over?
Wow, You certainly do offend easily. I can only gather that you are a very unhappy person deep inside. I hope things will turn around for you. Best wishes.
I must be deeply unhappy as well. I find shotgun postings bothersome. Perhaps if you used a normal typeface and color it wouldn't be so obvious. Tom
Many Prius batteries have gone over 200,000 miles in taxi service. However, age is much a factor as miles. The good news is that there are many used batteries available from wrecked Prius, so you should be able to replace a battery for only a few hundred dollars when the time comes. As for the price of a new battery, it's hard to say since so few are replaced. The cost keeps coming down, so I wouldn't worry too much even if you want a new battery. The cost is certainly a lot less than a new transmission for a normal car. Tom
Netiquette holds that multiple identical posts and SHOUTING are bad form. Expect to get some amount of needling for it. At the same time (or is it, On The Other Hand?) nobody is forcing anyone to read any of this stuff :_>
Darn, I was hoping to make it clear I was unhappy right out on the surface. You seem to have avoided answering my question. Why are you spamming (multiple identical spams in one thread even) 4 year old threads with identical messages? Reading all your spams I learn: Posters claiming to be Toyota owners whine loudly even when (supposedly) treated well.
I have a 2005 Prius with 136000 miles. Yesterday a red light came on indicating a problem with hybrid system, so I took it to the closest dealer. They tested the battery and said it needed to be replaced. $3600 the quote me. I'm not too happy.
Wow! Don't let that dealer rip you off for $3600. You can get anew battery for around $2200-$2400; or, better yet, buy a used one from a recently wrecked car for around $500-$700. Check auto salvage places or on EBAY.
I don't think that's the norm by any means but my understanding was the warranty covered you for 8yrs/100000 miles so they must have some idea that there can potentially be failures after 100000 miles.
If you car was bought and registered in CA (or the other CARB states), you definitely should have a 10 year/150K mile warranty on the HV battery.
Before you do anything expensive, check the 12v battery. A weak 12v battery can cause LOTS of bogus indicators...including falsely flagging the HV battery as bad. If you still have the original 12v battery it's probably past time to replace it.
Dealer 12V battery "OK/BAD" testers sometimes give false OKs on Prius batteries. Have them use a voltmeter, or use one yourself, or use the no-tools builit-in test procedure given here: http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-...g-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html#post1154193
1) Are you the original owner of this car? 2) Was this car purchased in California? If not, what state was it originally purchased?