Hybrid vehicles have higher pedestrian crashes: Consumer Reports Cars Blog So I posted an answer, certainly not the only criticism, of this Consumer Report blog: Bob Wilson
I read the article and comments. Didn't see your comment....? I liked the tone of the comments. Reasonable and logical.
Thanks. I also noticed they 'moderate' the comments. Looking over the article, I'll try again but more specific: Feel free to use any of this to post to the blog. Better still, get a copy of the NHTSA report and share the joy. Bob Wilson
Bob, et all ... This article has now been listed on USA Today so will certainly get more attention now. Most likely we are all fighting a losing battle but let's all keep up the good fight. Hybrid cars hit pedestrians and bikers more often than conventional cars, study finds - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive - USATODAY.com Happy driving, Chris
I've posted a couple of comments. No doubt it will show up in other places. Indeed, I'm committed and have no problem finding the energy to answer such reports. But that doesn't mean I should be alone. So far, I'm seeing the majority of responses against these reports. Add your voice too and particularly your own words and observations. Strange as it may seem, I know I'm far from the final word on the subject but I will be part of the choir. It ain't over until the legislation is signed. Regardless, I won't have any regrets regardless of the outcome. Sad, this legislation could lead to getting accident avoidance systems in the lower priced Prius ... where we need them. Instead, we will soon have "a machine that goes ping" (Monty Python and "The Meaning of Life".) Bob Wilson
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but, times are changing. Finally some Americans are starting to want to use less gas. Hybrids are popular, and a lot of people want EVs now too. That means no more loud engines. People need to get off their cell phones and look around and pay attention. You know, get your heads out of your asses! Bob, great job pointing out the flaws. You're so damn good with data!
Following the principle of "hoist on their own petard," consider posting your own comments using the exactly what the NHTSA has reports on pedestrian accidents, "Traffic Safety Facts 2007 Data" DOT HS 810 994 ... be sure and use your own words and observations: 2/3ds were males 3/4ths were Jay walkers not at the corners most were at night in fair weather older, +70 year, pedestrians were 3x more at risk children were the next group right-turn on red or other right turn incidents pedestrians in dark clothing at night intoxicated pedestrians, especially in parking lots after sports iPods and walkman cell phone distracted parents trying to curb their children adults engaged in conversation instead of paying attention shopping center parking lots with the Christmas rush Don't copy these but cast your mind back to pedestrians who engaged in these risky activities and put that event, from your memory, into the posting. You want others to read your comment and be reminded of the same or similar things that have happened to them. BTW, don't forget every hybrid has a noise maker already ... a horn. Point out when you've had to use it to get the attention of inattentive pedestrians. This is not blaming the victim because sometimes the pedestrian is wrong. They may pay a greater penalty for their mistake but that does not render the car and driver to blame for what what a pedestrian precipitated. Your silence is consent. Bob Wilson