A question for those who've replaced their door speakers: how does one remove the front door tweeters?
[font=Comic Sans MS:758e5b2bac]Removing the tweeter is easy :smile: putting it back is the hard part. Just grab the tweeter and pull straight out from the door. The plastic housing is held on by a spring clip and a slot that hooks over a screw. To put it back on you have to hook that screw and put the clip back in, which is not hard if you don't have the door panel on. The screw the tweeter housing hooks on is down inside just a bit, so it's almost impossible to hook the screw right without removing the plastic door panel.[/font:758e5b2bac]
my experience is the same as bill's. the tweeter itself comes out of the panel very easily... the tough part is getting the panel off, and it's pretty easy if the door panel is already removed. if nothing else, a little liquid nails will do the trick (JK!) :wink: good luck... speaker replacement is a good thing! you will not regret.
OK, thanks guys. I didn't want to start pulling on that little triangular panel - and risk breaking it - without finding out if there was a trick to it.
Hi Gents, I've looked at Sparky's great door panel speaker replacement guide and the Infinity options he used. Does the group have a recommendation as to what tweeter replacement goes well in the small compartment? Warm regards, CAPT Seabee
OK question #2, how is the tweeter attached to the trianglular plastic panel? And question #3, are the front and rear tweeters the same?
#2: The tweeter is held in place by three plastic hooks (How come I remember such miniscule things and forget all the really important things....). It's easily popped out. To put new tweeters in will most likely require some cutting and reconstruction of these hooks. The good news is that they are real soft plastic and cuts easily. An X-acto would be perfect. The good news is that you don't need to do a nice, clean install 'because none of it shows... #3: Sorry, can't help as I have the base model...
Do you still have the tweeters? What I'm curious about is how big the tweeter is (the depth and diameter of the whole unit, not the dome size), and if there is any extra room in the little triangular panels. Basically, what is the max size a replacement tweeter could be? I'd just look myself, but I don't want to remove the whole door panel until I actually replace them.
Hi Wilco, No I tossed them... The replacements were bigger than the OEM's both in terms of circumference and depth. Here's the dimensions of the replacements which had room to spare: Diameter: 2-1/16" Depth: 11/16" You can pull the tweeters off without taking the door apart. Actually, when pulling the door trim off, the first step is removing the tweeter. As mentioned earlier, it's pretty easy: Just pull. -bob
OK thanks. Yeah it's not the removal, but the re-installation that Bill figured would be "almost impossible" without removing the door panel.
Hmm, everything gets put back on in reverse order. The last thing I did was to put the tweeter back on. So, the door trim was already back in place. FWIW, I may have just been lucky, but I didn't have any problems whatsoever with both of my doors. Y'know, I just went back and read Bill's post. I think what happened is that when he pulled his off, the plastic snap stayed attached to the door instead of coming off with the tweeter. This happens when pulling trim of anywhere in the car (speaking from experience). When you pull the speaker off, look at the two attachment points, two snaps should be on the tweeter. If not, with a screwdriver, pop the snap off of the door and slip it back on the tweeter. Then, when you put the tweeter back on, it pops straight on. There's no having to finagle it around to hook anything. In the photos, two of these snaps got left behind. The one for the tweeter and one for the door trim. Pop 'em off and put them back on the tweeter or the door trim. Then, it's as easy as pushing them onto the door frame to re-attach.
Yep, you're right, it just popped off. It's retained by a sprung metal clip at the top and a plastic trim plug at the bottom. Pretty small tweeter, and not as much room in the panel as I had hoped. Kind of limits the choices for a replacement. I measured the dc resistance at 5.4 ohms, so I'd call that a 6 ohm speaker.