The subject says it all. Why are we still paying MSRP? I can understand that during 2004/early 2005 supplies were constrained and it was difficult for dealers to obtain Prius stock. However, it seems to me that at this time, we are past that. As evidence of this, I point to dealers such as Carson Toyota in CA (, or Miller Toyota in Manassas, VA ( PriusChat posters have claimed that both of these dealerships have multiple vehicles in stock. Even in my local area, the two dealers I visited have had at least two Prii in stock each time we visited them. Some of these vehicles have been on the lot for more than four weeks! Point number 2: As several posters have noted, there are dealers out there who will accept less then MSRP. Again, PriusChat posters have recounted several instances where they have purchased their vehicles from outside their state/region with favorable results. Prii have wheels (and some of them even have navigation systems! ). As purchasers, we are not tied to purchasing from the dealer in town. Point number 3: Are we not nearing the end of the model year here in North America? Is not this usually the time when dealers are trying to clear out their stock? Does not this give us bargaining power during sales negotiations? Why then do dealers continue to insist on receiving MSRP for new Prii? Toyota has acknowledged that it has ramped up Prius production. They make their money off each vehicle regardless of what the dealer sells it for. It is in their best interest to maintain or increase production quotas. It seems to me that some dealers are artificially creating demand by keeping their on-hand stock low so as to give the _appearance_ of supply constrain. "We have never had a Prius in stock for more than a week" goes the typical reply that I receive from dealers when questioned about this. How long does it take for the "newness" fervor to subside? The Prius has been out for several years. Hybrids are catching on with other manufacturers finally introducing models. By 2006, hybrids will be just one more engine modification like turbochargers, or superchargers. When will dealers acknowledge this for what it is, simply another way to extract higher profits from customers? How long did it take for the Mazda Miata "shortage" to subside? Somebody please tell me if I am incorrect, but it seems to me that this "everybody is paying MSRP for the Prius" statement I keep hearing from sales vultures is simply a ploy to keep commissions high. It will end when we as buyers step up and collectively say, "I don't think so" loudly and clearly.
I think the market is softening. Large volume dealers are starting to come down on the price. Just come armed with facts (e.g., posts on this site) and information about the local market (e.g. watch the dealers inventory on their websites) and you can come in below MSRP. For example, there are 3 loaded cars on an Buford, GA Toyota dealers lot that have been there for many weeks. They are waiting for some sucker to come in and pay $2K over MSRP, but I bet if I wanted exactly those options and colors, I could get them well below MSRP this afternoon. The cars have been sitting there, and the dealer needs to move them before getting many more in. In my on-line and in-person foray into this market, I walked away from lots of folks trying to sell me this car. A little walking away and silence on your part is going to save you some dollars.
I just purchased a car in Souther California for $800 off MSRP. It is a package 6, no other extra's except mats, no trade-in, no dealer financing. After the initial order, it only took one week to receive. Other dealers that I'd contacted before I found this one wanted over MSRP or were at MSRP. However, a few days after I'd obtained my car, a few of the other dealers called, finally willing to negotiate. My dealer was very easy to work with. Didnt feed me any of the lines about how "hot" the car is, how other dealers charge thousands over MSRP, how dealers willing to negotiate below MSRP are just scamming me. My advice is to find a dealer you feel comfortable with. My husband has changed his mind about car salespersons and car buying after this experience.
I confess I reluctantly (but imo, strategically) accepted to pay MSRP - 2 weeks ago - without much challenge. I wanted (and waited 2 months for) an exact pkg model (#4), in super white, and fresh off the boat (not driven/swapped in from 3 towns over or with 40 miles worth of previous test-drives, etc.) I also gave specific requirements for the leather install ordered, and to have my wheels changed out with 17" by the dealership as *courtesy*. I also wanted to communicate, in dollars too, that I wanted to start a hopefully long and mutual dealer-customer relationship which I respected and would reward in kind. In retrospect, I could have should have called the 2 other area dealerships and played them all off for my ordered car and maybe saved 300 bucks or so. But then maybe I'm satisfied thus far with the service and relationship too? Of course, if the car was/is sitting on the lot requiring a weekly wash et al, by all means exercise your leverage.
FYI, I just filled out the Buyer's Offer Spreadsheet over on for my new prius coming in next week. I used data on list / invoice prices from According to the spreadsheet, even with my $500 below MSRP, I am paying about a 8% premium (about $2200) over what I probably could have negotiated the car for in a more even market. Now, I did load the car up with some of the more profitable options (package 6, leather, dvd), so my premium of 8% is on the high side. According the the spreadsheet, someone buying just a Prius and Package #4, and paying MSRP is going to be paying about 6% premium (about $1250) over what they would spend in a more even market (assuming they are good negotiator). Note: edited to correct some of the % figures.
I paid MSRP less than a month ago, but I did hear (although not personally find...) deals around $1K off, just not within 100 miles of the Bay Area. To save money, buy the warranty and service contract through a Prius forum Web site ... I did get some accessories at "cost" (whatever that means) and some add-ons thrown in, all up saving maybe $250 ...
HYACK, you have excellent taste in cars and colors. We paid MSRP with all-weather floormats thrown in. We're very satisfied. Frankly I think the Prius is underpriced. This is not a "cookie-cutter" car. There's a reason why the EU selected the Prius "car of the year" for '05. As Motor Trend said last year: "There's the Prius; and then there's every other car". We'll watch for your postings.
At this time I think MSRP is the right price. While some parts of the country, mainly states close to the POI have some surplus. Many places, including South Dakota, still have waiting lists of 2-5 months. So until more areas have no or very little waiting times, I think MSRP is about the right price.
Hello from New Hampshire! Well, I like to think that I did my homework prior to purchasing my car (6/8/05). That said I was certain, based upon everything I had read online, in print, and had heard from other buyers and yes, the salespeople that MSRP about what I should expect to pay. Directed, personal inquiries to 14 dealerships in New England yielded plenty of offers to reserve a prius at MSRP for delivery 30-60 days from reservation. No one wanted over MSRP, and only my local dealer offered a token $500 under MSRP. I was all set to do the deal, and took a last ditch look at a dealer in Gorham, NH...way up there...and found the car I had spec'd on the lot. I bought it (no trade) for well under $1000 off MSRP. I think the devil is in the details though...the car was a pkg. #6, and the dealership is smack in the heart of 4WD Truck the demand wasn't there. The Prius was a novelity that they were having trouble moving (my opinion) and hence they treated it like a "normal" sale. 2 cents worth.... Eric.
Supply and Demand. Yes the supply has increased but not enough to flood the market to affect the dealers. Also they charge what the market will support. When people get tired of paying MSRP and the car sits on the lot for 6 months they will drop prices to move it. They are not worried about it until it goes over a year then they have to pay taxes on it.
I also used this spreadsheet with Internet available data. Here is what I found: 2005 Prius with option package #6 MSRP: $26,630 Invoice: $23,490 Holdback fee (based on 2% of MSRP): $532 Factory-to-Dealer incentive: $0 Dealer's vehicle cost: $22958 = Invoice - holdback fee Offer price: $24,106 = 1.05 dealer's cost Destination charges, taxes, registration, etc. then get added in... The MSRP price is 11.8% over Invoice! This 5% above dealer cost figure results in a fair profit of $1148! For this, the salesmen do not have to do anything other than complete paperwork and shake hands.
And don't forget the pure profit some dealerships tack on as "documentation fees." In the SE, Toyota dealerships typically tack on $399 to $599 for 0 value in return. Your looking at another 2% profit with this alone if you don't get them to take it off or offer you an offset credit...<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jandmayra\";p=\"102901)</div>
I try to make it a habbit to question this fee, and am usually told that "everyone pays it." When I press the issue further and inquire as to what this fee covers, I am usually given some make up answer - salesman: "well, it's to cover the costs associated with registering the car and transferring the insruance..." me: "But I will register the vehicle myself, and I will insure the vehicle prior to driving it off the lot. So tell me again, what exactly I am paying $400 for?" They usually cannot. Now, if they were to come right out and tell me that it is simply another profit center for them, then maybe I might slacken due to their honesty. Most, however, choose instead to make something up. It is nice to see sales people squirm.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigdaddy\";p=\"102926)</div> I've bought 5 new cars and never once paid a "dealer handling fee" or "doc fee" or whatever they call the fee that's pre-printed on the form. I get to the agreed upon price and then get the dealer to drop the fee. If they don't, I walk. In some cases, I've agreed to an accounting trick where they will further offset my agreed-upon price by the fee and then add it back in on the purchase order, but the net is the same. Yes, the dealer does some paperwork for the sale, but nothing unique - it's all part of the cost of doing business, like the electric bill and advertising. When pushed, I've always said that I'll be glad to pay the fee if they will pay a portion of my costs to operate the car. Funny how not one dealer has ever agreed to that deal. Is the Prius still a good deal at M.S.R.P.? I think so, and with oil around $60 a barrel and gas expected to rise to $2.60+ on average later this summer, some of what may seem to be an excess supply now will dry up. Given that the federal deduction is scheduled to get cut next year and the 2006 MY cars coming out very late this year, 2005 sales should still be strong enough where dealers aren't going to see Prius cars sit for very long.
I took delivery of Silver with BC package #6 in May 2005. It had 2 miles on odometer. I have put 3,550 miles on it already and get smiley and so tickled when I fill up and get change back from $20 bill. I checked out 6 Dealers in SF Bay area. Found 3 dealers wanting MSRP, 1 dealer with 2 cars in Stock for immediate delivery, willing to go $250 under MSRP and another 2 dealers offering $700-750 below with 1 month wait. I ordered Silver with #6 and it was delivered in exactly 28 days. In all cases I met with each dealers Fleet or Internet Manager. Happy Shopping, 1oakprius
Check your local state laws for what they limit "documentation fees" to. iirc, they're limited to $9 here in CA.
Wow! That's interesting! I did not know that state law limits the amount that can be charged for "documentation fees." Where in the CA state law is this listed, e.g., automobile purchases, laws governing titles, etc. It will give me an idea of where to search my state's code. Thanks. J.
In regards to the subject matter at hand, it's really relative to your area and how many cars allocated. On some of our cars, the lightly equipped ones, I still get MSRP but when there is an overabundance of the package 6 cars (BC) then I can discount off the MSRP with greater ease. The more cars and on-ground stock, the better off YOU are. :> Dianne Southern CA
I just closed on a black '05 pkg 6, leather, mats, muds, cargo net for $750 over dealers invoice. Yes I had him fax me the invoice. That said, SET charges exhuberant fees in the invoice. Oh well, I think I got a good deal. I forgot to add the car was on the lot and it was the last day of June. Supposedly no one wanted a high ticket Prius so I got a decent discount. I also bought a fully loaded Sienna from them in Dec '04.
I read where many are paying MSRP but this evening I turned down MSRP minus $!,300 on a 2005 Super White with Option 6 and floor/cargo mats. I hate it when they told me one thing on the phone and then the price when up when I got to the dealer. So, I walked out and said that I wasn't happy and would let them know. Now, I'm in control, I hope! Hope I'm not crossing any lines as this is my first post but MSRP is $26,766 and they originally gave me a price of $27,074 with tax/license. I'll have to see what they'll say tomorrow or later. How does one find an Invoice cost?