It was a simple car theft. If it had happened in Mayberry the whole town would have been involved but since you're in Richmond it was just business as usual. LOL Good to hear everything went smoothly and your baby wasn't harmed.
Actually, from watching many episodes of COPS, it's probably good that the thief pulled over and parked to make their escape instead of having a cop pull up behind them and turn on the lights. Last thing you'd want is to have them speading through town in your Prius trying to outrun a cop car...those scenarios rarely end up well for the car. Still, I can't help but think they were looking down from an upstairs window in a nearby building and watching you as you retrieved your car....
The thief(s) may have simply left the car there, to see if it'd "cool". sometimes cops will stake the area for a couple days to see if/when they come for it. Anyway, if you had registration in the car, the bad boys have the beginning bits of info on you and your address for potential other bad deeds. That's a bummer.
So right! A no-damage happy ending car theft doesn't even register with much more important things happening (i.e., prom rapes from the recent news). And then there's the "car-sonist" activities over the weekend similar to San Francisco a few weeks ago. Yikes! Okay...I'm going back behind the barricade now!
Luckily, there was only generic paperwork in the car, no names. But yes, I do feel like there's a big TARGET on our house. Always be careful!!
Not trying to get you paranoid or anything. Search for these words from the web "burglars often live within a half-mile of the target home and that they may have been in the house as a delivery person, worker or even a friend of the family."
Another creepy thing was the thief/thieves smoked a cigarette in the minivan. So they were there for bit of time...trying to figure out how to work the car probably. However, a bit of Fabreeze and all is fine. The whole experience underlies what can happen even though we live in a "safe" watchful neighborhood, we are vigilant and rarely careless. Guess the next step is to install a laser-triggered driveway alarm! :laser: My BIG THANKS to everyone at PC. It's wonderful to have such an active, knowledgeable community to support our cars and each other! :wave:
R2Pre2, thanks for sharing your story. I've posted it to the front page. Hope you don't mind! New Prius bought, stolen, then found using Safety Connect all in first 24 hours | PriusChat So happy everything turned out all right!
Amazing!!! Hopefully this will prompt Toyota to offer retrofits and help save more cars...and their people, of course!
I have a Prius V with no options. Built in Sept. (will check the date ) No safety connect that I am aware of.
wow. Amazing story! Glad Safety Connect helped and you got the car back unscathed. Of course like hill said, the question is whether they've got any information (e.g. from the nav or phonebook).
Luckily, no information was entered into the Nav or Phonebook as we had just taken delivery of the car.
Guys, this is probably not a case of "stupid thieves" or kids joyriding. Professional thieves nowadays will steal a car, and park it somewhere for a couple days. If the car is still there when they return, that means it had no GPS, and it's good to go. Then it gets packed up and sent overseas. This is why there will be a lack of damage, as it needs to be resold.
UPDATE: New keys and lock cylinder ordered, so the barricading can stop in a few days once the parts are installed. But I think it will be a while before I stop looking out the window first thing in the morning to make sure R2Pre2 is still there! hone: Spoke with Toyota's Safety Connect people yesterday and learned that my experience was now an interesting [but good] statistic: this was the 1st time SOS / Safety Connect had been used in a Prius! (This of course appealed to my desire to be at the forefront of things - a very "prius" state of being don't you think?) Additionally, PC's blog/facebook/twitter coverage about "the Prius that lived" had made it into Toyota USA and was bringing some much needed smiles and good Prius news after the runaway tragedy. And in response to a few comments: Thankfully no. Considering the thief/thieves smoked in the minivan, this was a big concern for me. But there was no smell and no evidence of any damage at all. Soylent, you and Hill mentioned this and I think both of you are spot on. When our car was stolen, I immediately thought R2Pre2 was going to end up in a container load at the Port of Oakland bound for parts unknown. Thanks again for all the support and great info!