I'm finally getting a Black Package #7 Prius next week after a four-month wait. I had originally requested a Black Package #9 since it had all the features, but I'm happy with what features come on the #7. Of all the features that the Prius offers, which ones do you use the least? I was adamant about the Smart Entry & Start feature, but I'm not sure what I'll be missing by not having DVD Nav, HomeLink, Bluetooth, etc.
On my Seaside #9, the Maintenance screen, where some future date to do oil change, etc., can be saved is just sitting there, not used by me. Bluetooth is only unused until Verizon comes up with the right phone. NAV is neat for those "OK, I'm on this side of town, so what's the quickest way to get where I want to be on the other side of town?" situations. Roads I never heard of magically coming together to take me where I want to go. I use it as often as I can, since the Home button is nice when the trip back starts. Homelink would require me to buy a house, or at least something that can be controlled. I'm don't think I'd be allowed to buy a Homelink-controlled lock for my apartment anyway...
Fog lamps. They seem pretty much useless. I didn't think I'd use NAV, but probably once every two weeks or so it's pretty handy to find new places, or at least get me in the right neighborhood in the most direct way. I don't use the voice activation much...esp. since I don't, currently, use the AC much. The steering wheel controls are much more efficient and convenient. I LOVE the SS/E and Bluetooth--I don't know if I'll ever be able to buy a car without them again. Haven't used the Tonteau cover yet either...probalby should take it out to save a little weight.
Maint. screen is unused by me as well - hopefully soon though I'll fill it in. Bluetooth, NAV - especially in the greater DC area - is a must for me. It's already been worth the $2G for the few months I've had it, I'd say. Never used Engine Braking, tho it may be useful across the mountains on trips to Ohio and Michigan. Absolutely will never want another car without SS/SE - I think that it's the most important feature of this car to have, out of all of them. Also, I hope to never use the optional curtain air bags, not to mention the front and side ones. -m.
1. Never used "B" other than to see if it worked. 2. Maintenance Screen/Calendar -- not necessary UNLESS the bluetooth was able to sync with software from a PDA or something. 3. The KPH/MPH button. What is up with that? Also, it changes to metric but not from F to C?
Wow...that would be a cool feature! Oil change automatically put on my PDA based on timeframe and mileage! I think we all agree the ability to sync contacts from your PDA, to then be able to use with your Bluetooth phone, but to also put service needs on your PDA automatically...that would be awesome! And it would just be a software/firmware issue, right? Couldn't Toyota just add that feature into the car's software when you took it into service? Tim
I'd say I have used every feature in my car at one point or another except for Homelink. I live in a condominium complex in OC, and have no garage or gate to program it with. I'd say the second least used would be the Maintenance screen, though I do have the mileages programmed in for the intervals that I could come up with. The calendar ranks right up there too because I have no means of syncing it with my phone or PDA. Fog lights would be next, they aren't very bright, but do help cut through the fog just enough because of their "warmer" (redder) color temp vs. the HID's cooler (bluer) appearance. I don't use voice much except to cancel destinations and to list specific POI's. For radio and climate, I stick with the main buttons or on-screen controls since I know their layout well enough. The Voice is a nice show-off tool though Bluetooth I use just about daily. NAV probably weekly - though I'm clammoring for a more accurate address database. SE/SS is something I also wouldn't not get on my next car. Using a key is just so - "Priustoric" A feature I haven't gotten the opportunity to "try" (not for lack of effort) is VSC. It may have kicked in once, but it was mild enough where I only had a flashing light and no beeping. But to be a smarty pants - the least used feature in my car would be the airbags - I've yet to use them - and that so far is out of lack of need. :-P Unfortunately I feel that if I were to use them, it would be the last feature I'd use in the car. :-D Between those, VSC, and ABS - I'd hope for people's safety that those are the three least used features of the car, in descending order. -Rick
Great thread. The SS/SE has been one of my "most want, but not sure I need" features for the car I've got on order; nice to see so many people feel its worth the $$. Does anyone use fog lights as "driving lights" -- i.e., drive during the day without your normal lights on, just your fog lights, to make it easier to be spotted by other cars? I thought this might be particularly appealing if you have a package with HID lights.
Don't use the voice aspect of the nav at all, or the fog lights, or bluetooth. SE/SS is my favorite feature by far. Out of curiosity I looked to see what other cars I could get SE/SS on, and all I found was that it is a $1000 option on the LS430. Guess we got it cheap :mrgreen: Peace
I REALLY think it is worth the money. I would give up the NAV to keep that. I love the SE/SS, it is worth it's weight in gold!!! Brian
Since I don't have a cellphone, I don't use bluetooth. I didn't think I would use the navigator much, but I did yesterday. My wife and I were in Santa Barbara and have never been able to get on the freeway without driving around for a while. I told the navigator to go home, and it routed me perfectly to the freeway! As often as we have gotten lost over the last 19 years, I think we will use the navigator quite a bit in the long run. As for smart start, I just love it. This is the coolest of the features to me. I just love walking up to the car and having it beep "hello" when I reach for the door handle. Jeff
The fog lights only go on when the headlights are on. I have had the occasion to use them a few times in heavy fog, and they help to illuminate the area directly in front of the car pretty well. I think they go off when the hi beams are on, which makes sense, since driving in thick fog with hi beams only makes things worse from glare.
Of course, NAV does not know about the freeway onramp 1/4 mile from my house. The ramp is bit unusual; it goes through a 270 degree loop underneath the freeway starting from the left side on a one-way street (it's joined halfway up by the corresponding ramp from the other half of the couplet). It is quite amusing for routes starting from home to be directing me hither and yon, but fixing themselves once I acutually am on the freeway. [For those of you who are curious, the ramp is the I-580 westbound ramp from Harrison Street in Oakland, California].
I figured the DVD Navigation system would be pretty useful. I do wish mine had it, but it's not like beggars can be choosers Is it possible to add the DVD Nav system to a Prius that didn't have it originally?
Nope - it's a whole different MFD (buttons around it), and different buttons on the steering wheel. There's also a GPS antenna under the dash and the wiring harnesses under the seat. That's not to say you couldn't go after-market with CoastalDave's potential Aux-In solution. -Rick
Well, I don't have a Bluetooth phone, so I really can't count that. Other than that though, I'd have to say the voice activated stuff. Its much easier just using the steering wheel buttons than pushing the voice button and saying something so the computer understands you.
You'll be happy with the number 7 package. It has the best combo of nifty features, safety features and price. Option 9 would be very cool too, but I couldn't afford nor justify the extra 2,500 bucks. I don't use my cell phone often enough and not in the car, to warrant bluetooth and I don't have a garage door opener to program. As a pilot, I've gotten used to using charts and maps and you can by a whole lot of them for 2k.