Hi all, newbie here (not new to Prius though)... Just wondering if anyone has attempted to code a 3rd gen remote A/C fob (i.e. remote fob from an i-Tech [Australia]) to a 3rd gen Prius that doesn't have remote A/C (base variant [Australia]) to see if the remote A/C function will then actually work? I do know that normally variants with the solar sunroof have the remote A/C functionality, but really the 2 systems don't affect each other in terms of operation. Would be a great easter egg in the base model, although to get the fobs is going to cost a bit.
The case on the A/C remote is obviously different, but odds are that the circuit board inside all 2010 remotes are the same. There may or may not be the A/C switch installed on the non-A/C circuit boards. The only way I know to find out is to crack one open. I did that to a used Gen2 fob. The Gen2 can be cracked open with a pair of needle nose pliers. Take the mechanical key and battery out. Use the pliers to spread the mechanical key space apart. The adhesive let go before the plastic did, and I glued everything back together after the exploration. I guess it will be a while before there are used 2010 keyfobs available. I'm certainly not $300 interested in seeing what's inside a new one.
The remote A/C runs 2 min on a Prius equipped with that feature. I am sure it would be very expensive to add the remote A/C module to an existing Prius with out remote A/C. After market products will never work unless you leave a key fob in the car. Your best bet is to spend $350 on a remote start module. This will let you remote start the car and the A/C will run for 10 minutes. After the car turns off you can hit the remote again and run it for another 10 minutes. Then you physically have to press the brake pedal and start button to start the car. This also works with heat in the winter.
This may be a little late on the subject, but I asked for the remote starter on my Prius V so that I can start the climate controls, i.e., A/C or heat, from afar if needed. The 2 fobs cost $675 ($340 parts + $335 labor). Didn't go for the IV solar roof option, so this was the next best thing, and by all accounts it may be more functional.
I have a Prius 4 with remote start. I can set the A/C or Heat and start the car with the factory remote. Everything works the way you would expect with a few major flaws. 1) The remote only works from maybe 100ft. You have to walk out to the car to press the remote, it defeats the purpose. 3) There is no feed back on the remote to tell you the car received the signal and it is running. 2) The system only runs 10 minutes then turns the car off. You can start it again and it will run for another 10 minutes. After the 2nd time you can not start it again. I have done some research and it seems that you can install a device by ExpressKit called a XK05 that will allow the use of an after market remote starter like the Viper 5902. This unit will remote start the car from up to 1 mile away, it will give feedback on the remote that the car is running, and the car can run for an unlimited amount of time.
The xpresskit website only rates the XK05 for use on Gen2. They do specify a generic immobilizer bypass for the 2010, but that's a tough install for a real expert. Plus you have to dedicate a keyfob for the bypass. I think the Toyota remote start is the only game in town at present. Just about any remote start can be made to work with a Prius. The problem is the bypass unit for the keyfob and the hybrid interface. The XK05 does appear to solve those problems for the Gen2, and maybe they'll figure it out for the 2010 eventually. I wonder if the range of the Prius keyfob could be increased by installing a better antenna on the car. Or maybe some sort of amplifier for the keyfob.
I know it does not support the Gen3 yet. It seems they are working on it. The XpressKit does not require the FOB. The install on the Gen3 looks very simple.
has anyone done it yet with the xpresskit.. the factory remolt start is a waste to me.. becuase you have start it when your near your car and by the time your there at your car its not going to be cool. I dont get my car untill Jan 2010.. my stereo installer is doing some research on this.. he said it should be the same as the lexus becuase its pretty much the same set up..
I think the 2010 Prius uses the same keyfob/Press-to-Start as the Camry Hybrid. If true, then the current XK05 should just work.
As soon as they release the firmware supporting the 2010 Prius I will install the expresskit and the remote start. I have installed auto headlights, constant power for many devices, and the door sills that light up.