homelink help

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by pappyt, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. pappyt

    pappyt Junior Member

    May 24, 2007
    can someone give me some pionters on setting up the hlink garage door opener setting? i followed the instrutctions in the toyo manual and cannot get it to work? the genie open is hlink capatible. thanks in advance
  2. Dispie

    Dispie New Member

    Sep 23, 2007
    West Texas
    2005 Prius
    First, erase old memory by holding 2 outer buttons (1st and 3rd) for 20 sec. Led will start to flash rapidly.

    Then, try one of the 2 ways:
    1. Hold any Homelink button in Prius and at the same time press and hold gate remote control button. For about 20 second hlink led flashes slowly (~1/sec) and then will flash rapidly - means programmed
    2. Hold hlink button and press gate RC button, repressing the gate RC every 2 sec. (supposed to be blinking rapidly after 20 seconds)

    Now press and hold hlink button to see the behavior:
    If it's steady (red color) - programmed and the door opener should work.
    If it's blinking fast for 2 seconds and then steady - need to follow up with Roller Code (locate now a training button on the door opener system)
    If it's blinking slowly - the button was not programmed. Need to repeat step 1 or step 2, or.. search web for help like I'm doing now :) Cannot program hlink in my new Highlander Hybrid but it works with the same system in my Prius 2005.