Picked up our 1st Prius on Saturday 04/23/05 after a 2 week wait. My wife is the primary driver. We liked it so much that we went back on Tuesday 04/26/05 and purchased another one for me. Traded in a Toyota Highlander on one and a Honda Pilot on the other. Still alot to learn but lovin it! Wayne 05 Seaside Pearl #6 05 Tideland Pearl #6
Hi Wayne, Same thing happened to us...on 30 May 05, I found, test drove and purchased my 05 Gold #6. Just 5 days later, my wife bought a 05 Silver #6. We are still learning and we both love our choices!
Still a lot to learn but enjoy driving the cars. I'm averaging 51 MPG and my wife is averaging 49 MPG. A friend at work saw mine and went out and bought a silver one with #6 package. He likes a big engine but says the prius is practical. Even with his lead foot he is getting 45-46 MPG. Wayne 05 Tideland Pearl #6 05 Seaside Pearl #6 Frederick MD
My wife and I both have new Prius'. One bought in Feb 05 and one in Aug 05. What is the read on whether we can take the $2000 deduction for both? .....file together or separately? Both are Package #4, one Seaside Pearl and the othe Tideland Pearl.
Usual disclaimer---not a tax expert---but you can claim deductions for both, I think. If you would otherwise file jointly (I would think so, unless there are special business considerations), that would be unaffected by the Prius deductions.