Date Ordered: Jan 17, 2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Nystrom Toyota Winona MN Timeframe given for delivery: Mid March Color: Tideland Pearl Option Package: AF (#3) rear wiper and side airbags Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: 2nd or 3rd I would have rather ordered from the place in LaCrosse (steveb84 who posts in Priuschat works there), but Winona had a MUCH shorter waiting list. I think mid March is HIGHLY optimistic, but I will be glad to be proven wrong! Brian
Just got word from the dealer that I'm second in line. "Yours is the allocation after the next one" (Not sure if that is because they got an allocation moving me from 3rd to 2nd, or if I have always been second) Brian
Got this e-mail from the dealer: I had to wait until the confirmation of the last allocation before I could give you a status report. You are definitely next on the list the one before yours was picked up in the last allocation Whoo hoo! the next allocation is mine! Of course, it might take a few allocation cycles for the dealer to get one, but I might just get one in March. Brian
Cross post on the price increase, but notice I've got an estimated date: Good morning Brian, You are right, that there is a $300 price increase coming soon. The good news is that your car will probably be here before that and will not be affected. However if it had been, you would still get the rebate. Procedurally what happens is that we submit your order confirmation (which we already have done) then you pay the new price and Toyota sends you a check for the $300 within 4-8 weeks. Again, we anticipate that your car will be allocated around the 20th of this month which is well ahead of the price increase deadline of early April. Brian (emphasis mine)
Dealer called. The person before me in line cancelled thier order, and I was offered thier car. It is a silver with the works (#9/BC). If my car wan't coming in a month I might have taken it. But since my car will prob be allocated March 19th and arrive around April 9th I decided I can wait for the car I want. Brian
Went to dealership to get a trade-in estimate. Saw the car before mine -- someone farther down the list took it. Also got my key chain in the mail Friday. Dealer is pretty confident of getting allocation Friday (+/-) Brian
Good news: my car is allocated. Bad news: There were *NO* Tideland Pearls with my package allocated in the Chicago region. Rather than pass up the allocation, the dealer took a Driftwood. I'm free to pass on it, but than means waiting another month. Brian
I decided to take the driftwood. If ther was a 100% chance of getting a tidleand in the next allocation, I *might* have waited. Since there isn't, I decided to take the bird in the hand. Brian
Hi Brian, Sorry that you didn't get your color. I have never seen the driftwood up close, but it looks OK on the website. Our's just happened to be a Tideland, and we like the color. We emailed each other in January off of the YP2004 group about installing ham radio in our cars. Are you still planning to install a radio? I haven't had time to get mine scoped out for all of the details. First item to do, though, may be to get the vanity license plate for my call! I have the paperwork in hand and the state can make one up for me. Brian WOBEV
I'm not planning on installing a ham radio in my car. I DO plan on using my Ham Radio plates on it (which are different, and cheaper, than personalized plates in MN) Brian
Picked it up today. Initial odometer: [Broken External Image]: Lifetime MPG: [Broken External Image]: In my driveway: [Broken External Image]: too early to give my review. Had a little trouble getting cruise to work, but eventually figured it out. Brian notice my avatar changed
Brian, Glad you got your Prius! What do you think of the Tideland Pearl color (was it your choice initially?). We really like ours. It seems the car is working better with some mileage on it. We are on the 4th tank of gas at about 1250 miles so far, and we are averageing 53 MPG! Gotta love it.
Congratulations Brian !!! Look forward to seeing you zipping around town with it. (And don't forget where you can bring it for service
Thanks for the picture, Brian. That was the final thing that pushed me over to adding Driftwood Pearl to Tideland Pearl on my order request for the Prius. A very handsome color.