Where's My Title? UPDATED pg. 2 The last two cars I had I financed and once the loan was paid off, I got the title in the mail not too long after. We paid for the Prius in full. I picked up my plates 3 weeks later and also got the registration card at that time. I do not remember receiving the title. In NJ, who would it come from and how long does it take to get. I am worried it got lost in the mail or something. I got teh car over two months ago.
Lora, It's specific to the state you registered your car in. I would give the NJ registration office a call. Bryan
I got my title in CA about a 6 weeks after I bought the car. Plates came about a week before the title.
It took almost exactly one month for my NJ dealer to get the title to me. They sent it as a certified letter, signature required.
I would think the transaction would go through your dealer as did ours. They would be the ones to call. Ours came within a month and I was surprised... they always seem to take a long time.
My dealer gave me the choice. Having them do it adds a bit to the bottom line, but that avoids the long waits at DMV. I should be getting a call from the dealer in a week or so.
The dealer probably insisted on handling the paperwork and charged a good bit to do so. Talk to the title clerk at the dealer. If you can't get anywhere call MVC at 609.292.6500 or 888.486.3339 toll free in NJ. MVC mailed or will mail the title to the dealer. Hope you didn't submit the customer satisfaction survey. IMO there is no excuse for the delay as they could have sent the clerk to the local office or you could have done it yourself.
When I read the topic of this thread I thought you were of the belief you should be Dame LoraJ, Duchess LoraJ, or something like that.
Hi LoraJ, I know we both got our new Prius's within a few days of one another. I just checked and the Title was sent to me at the end of September, so I received it in early October. The dealer facilitated all the paperwork for me. So, I'd check with the dealer first to make sure he did the paperwork. BTW, how's all with the new car? After 2 months I'm still learning new things! ... but I'm pretty happy with it.
I was out of town at the end of September. I had two certified notifications in the mail when I got back. I thought they were for the same thing, but maybe it wasn't. I will call them and see if I can pick it up in person. I cannot stand my post office. I'm loving the car!!! I rented a spot in a garage on my block for the winter and I am trying to get the Homelink to work with the door. Hasn't worked yet. But otherwise everything is great. ETA: Oh, here's why it doesn't work: MicroPLUS controls are not compatible with the Homelink system found in many automobiles. Use our MicroCLIK product line for compatability with the Homelink system. Probably not a good idea to have one compatible for the garage because what would stop me from using it after our lease is up?
Lora, what probably happened is what happened to me in NJ. The dealer sent the title certified mail. I didn't promptly return the notification and so the title went back to the dealer. The dealer's title person called me, and I dropped by and picked up the title. The same will probably happen to you.
So I just called the dealership and they have it. They probably called me at some point and I deleted the message before even listening thinking they were inviting me to the new owner's event or something.
It may vary state to state but in Indian when you get a new car the Certificate of Origin is sent to the DMV and they issue a title in your name. if you paid cash they send the title to you. If you have a loan on the car they note on the title the lean holders name and mail the title to the lean holder. When the lean is satisfied the lean holder signs to release the lean and mails the title to the owner. So in Indiana you would need to contact the lean holder.
Minnesota works similarly to Indiana. Bought my car in mid-September and paid cash. Just got my title from the DMV last week. Title issuance will vary from state to state.