How much room is left over in the trunk with a baby stroller in it? Does anyone have pictures to show? I would like to allay my wife's concerns. Thanks.
I don't have any pictures, but I have a rather large stroller (eddie bauer adventurer) and I still have plenty of room in the hatch with the stroller on board.
And how long is a piece of string? Or how big is the stroller? Isn't the answer just to compare cubic footage of the 2010 with that of any other car you might consider buying? In any roughly similar size category, it's hard to believe it could be less. Otherwise, buy a pickup truck.
Might I suggest taking your stroller to the dealer and just trying it out? That is probably the best way to allay her concerns.
Thought I had a pic of the stroller, looks like it's just the corner (was a cargo net issue pic). I can say there's plenty of room for a couple of duffel bags, etc. with a Peg Perego type stroller. If I can manage a photo, I'll get one up as well. This stroller fits in the Gen III better than it did in the Gen II thanks to the redesign of the rear hatch area.
Here it is... Sorry, the quality of second picture is awful but I did not realize it was that bad in my small phone screen. I also added a typical plastic grocery bag for reference. My stroller is a standard Graco, which tend to make bulky strollers. Some other brands, like Chico, tend to make smaller strollers. There are 2 different ways to fit it, seen in the first and second pictures. In the second, in case you wonder, the trunk door does close but your back view through the rearview mirror is somewhat compromised. I also have a jog stroller for twins, which is bigger. It also fits when folded down but that one pretty much takes up the whole room. Hope this helps…
Thanks very much. I will show the wife. We don't have a stroller yet because the baby is on the way...
Snapped a couple of ours after I put it in for an early trip tomorrow - it collapses a bit more narrowly, but taller. Still leaves some space on one side (pushed all the way to the rear and to the vehicle's left). The stroller is a Peg-Pérego Pliko P3 Classico. Sorry for the graininess, didn't get the regular camera out, so the Blackberry had to do...
It sounds like you're wife doesn't want the car for other reasons and making it about the stroller not fitting/space issues. I have friends who have a baby and older child who drive a prius with no problem or space issues. You can make it work if you want..that's the key.
As much room in the back of the Prius as there was in the back of my 1990 Camry wagon. We took the baby camping in the Camry, went away water skiing with all the gear, no problem.
My baby's carriage: Thirty-two years and still my baby ... arthritis in her knees so we do what we must. Bob Wilson
I have my folding golf 3 wheel push cart, a full set of golf clubs and bag, a couple of pair of golf shoes, a few dozen golf balls and caps... and still have some room left in the hatch. BTW, I had to put my golf bag/clubs on an angle in my old 2005 Prius. In the 2010, I can put my golf bag/clubs in directly side to side in the hatch. And yes...I did try it out at the dealer prior to buying the 2010 Prius to make sure it actually fit that way.
I hate to bring it up, but the bigger issue will not be the stroller, but the rear facing childseat that your infant will have to ride in. One front seat WILL have to be pushed all the way forward in order to fit the carseat, and that leaves room for someone 5'4" or shorter in whichever seat has to be moved forward (in my experience).
That is true. Also, I have an infant and a tod. The 2 car seats take the entire room in the back seat. The space left between the 2 car seats in the middle cannot fit a child, maybe a Chihuahua . When setting the car seat, keep in mind you must not block that vent (to cool the battery I think) in the right corner of the back seat. My tod don't like riding the Prius because of the lack of room for her legs and no DVD...
I am adding this picture to this post to show anyone who needs it how à Thule Chariot Sport 1 fits in the trunk of my Prius C. Of course not much space left, but I haven’t found many pictures like this one so thought I would contribue mine! 950EB77C-838E-4CE6-8495-4CFA47FAD165 by Tinycarlife1 posted Jul 19, 2018 at 7:42 PM