I can't believe the difference between the E10 and Straight gas. My last tank was E10 I bought at Sunoco. I couldn't get better than 46 mpg measured in the car. This tank with straight gas that I bought at a Gulf with a little over 100 miles on it so far is getting 56 plus mpg (HSI). The tank before this last one of E10 was also straight gas. I got a tank average of 52 mpg measured. HSI said 53 mpg. The only reason I bought the Sunoco E10 last month is because I had .40 off per gallon on my fuel perks card. These cents of per gallon I can only redeem at a Sunoco gas station. With out major money off per gallon, the E10 is a really bad deal if your looking for top fuel mileage. Even with my Volvo 960 which is my long distance highway car there is around a 10% difference between E10 and straight gas. 26.5 mpg E10 vs 29.25-29.75 mpg with straight gas.
You're lucky you have a choice. I keep checking, but here in Central N.Y. I don't think there is a station left selling straight gas.
Lucky you, our GenII Prius has never had straight gas, always E10. It's trips have not been of sufficient distance to get it out of the cornbelt subsidy. I feel fortunate that it is almost always over 50 mpg this way. (I did have a 48.8 mpg tank a few months ago...Plains crosswinds and rain, nearly all interstate.)
Here in Oregon gas is mandated by law to have at least 10% Ethanol all year long. Winterized gasoline that is currently in the pumps in Oregon is even worst than regular summer gas. Our last tank was 45 MPG , the lowest ever in 14,000 miles, calculated and just before the change to winterized gasoline it was in the 50's, so we are paying for the Ethanol "Miracle" every tank full with less Miles Per Gallon. Seems ironic that the Gov't wants high MPG vehicles but the gasoline is refined with lower energy which means we have to use more gasoline to go the same distance. Also, how many gallons of diesel does it take to make one gallon of Ethanol? Its just like paying a quarter to get 2 dimes back. alfon
Finally, I made it out to Lancaster and got gas at a station I saw a few months back that advertised NO ETHANOL. After 200 miles I'm already seeing a 6MPG increase. We're forced to get 10% ethanol where I live but I hate it. Absolutely hate it. Let the corn be used as food and feed, stop adding it to my gas.