Funny coincidence. I got a big dent in the side of a new car when some [insert various expletives here] [insert female-associated expletive here] parked her [expletive]ing oversize SUV 5 inches from my car at Trader Joe's. And left it running (it was running when I got back to my car). With kids in it. I confronted her ("I think you may have dented my car with your door") when she got out and she basically ignored me and left. Police were involved in this one. I NEVER drive any car I give a flying [expletive] about to any places where young suburban housewives shop (unless I know I can park somewhere it's amazingly, epically inconvenient to park). No grocery stores, no malls.
If you have a valve stem tool, you don't remove the valves. You just loosen them 'til they don't hold the air in place.
If you're being somewhat nice, that's how you do it. The not so nice way is to use a knife as your valve stem tool.
It might be worth the investment for a personal boot device. Custom Boots and Locks Anti-theft Auto Security You could slap it on and come back the next day to remove it.
Provided the parking-fail-slapee has paid an appropriate amount of compensation to you for your time and effort...
I like removing 2 valves. So your not stealing them, throw them under the car. 2 is enough to be a real pain.
OMG! That makes my blood boil!!!!!!!! I would have gone in the store and have someone say over the PA that they had 5 minutes to move their car before the tow truck arrives. We used to keep notices from this site in our car for occasions like this.
This is the perfect time to keep a roll around jack in your car. Jack the rear end up and push that SOB in the planter box!
I went onto, created an account, and with some difficulty, uploaded and captioned my picture. However, I find this an extremely confusing site and can't figure out how anybody would see this picture unless they happen to come across it. When I registered, it was with the Cheezeburger site or something, and the fail blog is just a tab on this site. I don't understand how to get my picture into that tab. I don't see any instructions either (maybe they're there, but it's not apparent to me.) ---Edit--- I think I figured it out and uploaded it to the FAIL site. I'm still not sure how or whether other people will see it though. I'm a complete noobie in these types of sites.