The way I see it, I don't use the CD changer. I use an iPod or iPhone and the Pkg II has an AUX input. I listen mostly to audiobooks so a HiFi is not so important to me. And the BlueTooth, I get along fine without bluetooth now. Also, some people like bluetooth and some people don't. So I figure I get a cigarette lighter charger for the iphone, plug it into AUX for audiobook, and turn the speakerphone function of the iphone on when I need to call. I can save $1000. With the money I save, I can install a 3rd party backup camera and that's about all I need. Your advice is much appreciated.
I have been going back and forth abouth whether to get a model II or model III. I am leaning towards a model II, but I did like Bluetooth that I had years ago on my Camry.
I am getting a Prius beginning of Dec. I don't have one yet. I can't decide between Pkg III or II. The difference is $1000. I can budget for it but what does it get me? bluetooth and a better stereo. I don't listen to CD in my current car. I use the iPhone. When I am on the road I listen to audiobook in my Toyota Sienna and I have to crank up the volume so loud to drown out road noise that my ears hurt. So I switched to ear plugs which works a lot better at much reduced volumes. I am worried that I have to do the same (i.e., hurt my ears) with bluetooth phone calls. Either way, I am not getting the backup camera because I need to get Nav and that's $2000. I don't even like my Garmin, so if the Nav is worse than Garmin, I am not going to be happy. It is going to be my commuter car - to get on the HOV. So the only difference I see is bluetooth and a better stereo with a disc changer. I think cars are pretty noisy and the benefit of a better stereo is limited. As for bluetooth, it seems people are not happy with the delay in answering. Also, I guess I may have to turn up the volume so loud to drown out the road noise that it would hurt my ears. I can get something like a Jawbone noise canceling headset for $100. I am going for a test drive this Sat but I don't see how they can show me the bluetooth. Please excuse me if my opinion offend - I'm trying to use a limited resource (money) wisely in this economy. So yes, if I had more money, I would not be so picky. As for backup cams, I plan to go to Best Buys after I get the car and look around. If I don't see anything, I'll just live without it.
What was it like with Bluetooth? Did you have to crank up the volume and talk loudly to carry on a conversation. Does roadnoise bothered you or the party at the other end? Was road noise a problem? I don't know anyone with bluetooth so I have absolutely no experience, first hand, or even second hand.
I went with a Prius II for similar reasons. I don't think it was worth paying an extra $1,000 for an upgraded audio system and integrated bluetooth when you can buy a good bluetooth speakerphone for $45 or less (I recommend and I rarely use my CD player.
I LOVE Bluetooth. Hands-free answering/talking is something you just don't appreciate until you can do it. And in many cities it's now illegal to not use a handsfree cellphone solution. The Aux/charger solution is pretty awkward as far as I'm concerned. I have an iPhone and have only used it that way on long trips. Otherwise, the connect/disconnect/store thing is a royal pain. On the other hand, having 6 CDs to choose from, when I want, controllable via buttons on the steering wheel, is awfully nice, even though I usually don't listen to much in the car. It would be a low-tech solution, but there would be some convenience factors in burning your books from iTunes to CD and sticking them in the changer.[/QUOTE]
The audio from the other end of the call comes out through the front left speaker, by the driver, though you can hear it everywhere well. The mic is next to the sunglasses holder/lights in the roof, next to your head. The audio (CD, radio, etc) at the time is muted when a call comes in or goes out. I've had people at the other end complain that I'm too loud, actually.
I use my IPod rather than CDs. Much easier and I can carry a (much) larger library with me. I did get my car with the IPod harness, but I find it easier just to use the Aux input. The factory interface is pretty lame IMHO. I have @ 6000 songs on my Ipod and navigating using the interface is impossibly slow and cumbersome. I avoid using the phone in the car if at all possible. A fine excuse to get away from the thing. For my needs, I saw no reason to get anything more tricked out than a II. The reported functionality of the NAV seems underwhelming. For my limited use, my TomTom works just fine and can be moved between my cars and used in rentals. Rather spend the money on a ClearBra, mudflaps and very nice seat covers. Works for me. YMMV.
Same here. I wanted the best bang for the buck and those things just weren't worth it to me. Now if the package 3 included leather seats I would've went for it.
Got my Package II, added HIDs, upgraded the speakers, and added custom leather. I absolutely love my car. I don't miss any options from any other package. I got exactly what I wanted and needed and didn't pay through the nose for anything.
I went for the III and am happy I did. The bluetooth works flawlessly for me with my IPhone and since I suffer from some hearing loss it has eliminated completely my missing calls because I didn't hear the phone ring. Something no one else in the thread has mentioned is that the II is not satellite radio ready. I believe it costs about $400 to add the capability to the II. I've had satellite radio for years and enjoy it greatly so for me choosing the III overr the II was a no brainer. Different strokes for different folks.
I picked up a 2 for that same reason, soon as i purchased it I went to radio shack and for 30 bucks got a plug in charger and auxiliary audio cable for my iphone. love to listen to podcast of “car talk” on long trips Have never had the rear camera on previous car, don’t really need or want it. I basically wanted the cheapest 2010 prius I could get. also using gps drive on my iphone3gs which is amazing for the price.
I happened upon a model II that someone else had planned to buy, but they bailed on the sale. It came with bluetooth already installed as an option, so it was just what I wanted. I think the sound quality is really good and I love not fiddling with a phone anymore. Folks on the other end say they can hear me clear as day.
Regrets? I've had a few. I've decided to just go with my old Honda for the upcoming NW winter. If some yahoo wants to slide into my car this winter, might as well be my 93 Honda as opposed to my brand new Prius. But I kind of regret not being agressive and buying a Prius II or III early. I think they were originally released at a low price point in reaction to The Honda Insight. As the "threat" of The Insight decreases, I'm afraid Toyota will increase the price of The Prius. If you don't want leather or some of the extra bells and whistles, then a II or III were/are good deals. The popularity of The Prius in Japan and also in the US, and if gas prices increase means my decision to wait might end up costing me. But I wanted some feedback on the new model, and now I really don't want to worry about a new car and "Winter". Regrets? Maybe a little, it would of been nice to have The Prius for this summer and this fall.
I kept my '97 Tercel for the same reason. That little buggy can get through anything. I got my model II at the end of September, and I had similar feelings about getting a new car right before winter. I put off my shopping and then stumbled on the exact one I wanted. I don't want to bother getting snow tires this year, either. So I'll drive the old one on the bad days, then probably sell it in the spring.
Thanks for everyone's input. I ordered a package II today. To be delivered Dec 1 or so. I just wanted a simple economical car in these really tough times (at least for me). I plan to get all weather mats and a scanguage. Thanks.
All of the 2010 Package II's I've seen in California come with BlueTooth. It is some type of add on which apparently is installed once the car leaves the boat in California, before delivery to the dealer. You don't seem to have an option of getting it or not. The sticker price for this Bluetooth is $300 (so it has to cost more like $100-$150). It's integration is a little weird as the Bluetooth takes over the volume control when on the phone or streaming audio so you control the volume via the Bluetooth rather then through the radio. But otherwise, it seems to work fine and gives you hands-free phone access. If you really want Bluetooth I bet you could get a dealer or a friend in California to pick this up for you - it seems pretty easy to install. b.t.w. playing your ipod via aux cable sounds decent, as does streaming audio via bluetooth.
Here is a pointer to the Bluetooth installed in California: Toyota Prius Accessories and Parts Store. : Blu Logic Hands Free System - 2010 Toyota Prius [PT923-00090] - $229.00$194.65
Rhino, I went with a II for the same reasons you outlined. There is a bluetooth solution for the II made by Blu-Logic. It works just dandy. I think nav would have been nice but my handheld GPS works great.