It's been on Two and a Half Men. Charley and Allan Harper's mother had one. They called it an electric car. new WalMart commercial. It is in the driveway while they pitch buying your oil there and recycling used oil there also.............
Living with Ed - The Ed Begley Jr. reality show. Pretty entertaining show, actually. It used to be on HGTV but is now on the Planet Green channel (I think). He has a mid-90's RAV4 EV and had a Gen 1 Prius. Last night Ep they were driving a dark grey GIII with Solar. Had a close up of the Speedo an showed is mileage while his horrid wife complained about how slow he drove. -Jay
Yep, she upgraded from a Gen II last season. I love how they compete with Bill Nye (the science guy) to be "the greenest".
Interesting site. A show that is not on their list, and has not been mentioned here, is the recent sitcom Modern Family where the son Mitchell and his boyfriend Cameron drive a 2010 (Gen III).
Hey, if anybody wants to put my car on tv, let me know. I've been told I'm good looking, and we all know I'm a shameless flirt.
was watching "Crash" on netflix instant view and 3 separate times, i saw a Prius cruising alone in the HOV lanes...
Last night's episode of "Castle" had a silven Gen II parked in the driveway of the dead guys's wife.....They got a really good shot of her back side......
I forgot,, Numbers, Professor Epps the main character drives a 2010 I believe a IV with a solar roof in blue.
Not TV but the first car to go down in 2012 was a Prius, slipping into a crack in the Earth....poor Prius!
The Curb finale on Sunday added a new Prius: Cherys had gotten a red 2010 and tinted the windows (yes, that was a plot point).